
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Homework: April 30

Hello Everyone!

Today is the last day of Monster.

For Homework:

Re-write the ending of Monster.  Include that Steve is found guilty.  How do you think this outcome would effect his family?

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Homework: April 29

Good morning,

For homework:

There is a saying, "If you do the crime, you do that time."

What do you think should be the punishment for students who break school rules?

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Homework: April 28

For Homework:
Define the following two terms.  You may use any resource.


Level 1 and Level2: Define the words
Level 3: Give an example of each.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Homework: April 27

For Homework:
Define the following two terms.  You may use any resource.



Level 1 and Level2: Define the words
Level 3: Give an example of each.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Homework: April 24

Today we looked at two different types of poems: List and Black Out.

For Homework:
Take a newspaper or a magazine that you like to read.  Create a piece of Black out poetry using that text.  Have someone at home help you create this work OR ask them to make one of their own.

For an example Google: Black Out Poetry

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Homework: April 23

Today we looked at a poem by William Carlos Williams.  Poetry can be used to send a message or to get your point across.

For Homework:
1.) Pick a song that really speaks to you.  Write down a lyric/line from the song. 

2.) Why did you pick this song/lyric?

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Homework: April 22

Today we talked about expressing your ideas and feelings through poetry.

“the beast is the monster that destroys your dream”
 Walter Dean Myers

For Homework: Fill in the blanks with your own story.
Part 1:
Level 1: “the __________________________ is the monster that destroys your dream”

Level 2: “the ____________________ is the monster that destroys your __________________________”

Level 3: “the _____________________ is the _________________   that destroys your __________________________”

Part 2:
Level 1: Explain the quote, one sentence
Level 2: Explain the quote, 2-3 sentences

Level 3: Explain the quote, 3-5 sentences

Homework April 21

Hello Everyone!

For Homework: Answer the following questions

1.) What is Steve on trial for?

2.) What was Steve's role in the robbery/murder?

3.) Do you Steve is guilty?  Why or why not?

Monday, April 20, 2015

Homework: April 20

Hello Everyone!

Welcome back!  I hope you all had an AMAZING weekend.

For Homework:  Interview someone at home and ask the following questions.

1.) What does it mean to be part of a community?
2.) What is something you can do to be part of a community?

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Homework: April 15-17

Wednesday- April 15
Thursday-April 16
Friday-April 17
Today we answered anticipation guide questions for the book Monster. 

As a reader, we sometimes have to check our understanding and our biases that we have on certain topics.

For homework:  Answer the following questions with Agree or Disagree

1.)   It is okay to lie if someone is going to get hurt.

2.)  It is okay to get revenge on someone who hurt you

3.)  People who work hard get good things.

Level 1: Use Agree or Disagree
Level 2: Agree/Disagree in a complete sentence
Level 3:  Explain your thinking.
Today we determined an unknown word by using context clues.

A context clue is information surrounding an unknown word that helps us to figure out the meaning of that word.

For example:

The water really quenched my thirst.

We can determine the meaning of quenched by looking at the other words in the sentence.

For homework:  Use one of the following words in a correct sentence.

Today we learned about the elements of a story and how to determine if a character is a major or minor character.

For homework:

Determine if the following characters are major or minor.

Romeo and Juliet

Arnold from Part time Indian

Curley from Of Mice and Men

Level 1 and 2:  Answer the question as is

Level 3: Provide reasoning for your thinking.

Homework: April 14

Hello everyone.

Today we talked about LOYALTY.

For homework:  Steve is accused of knowing the people who committed the crime in Monster.

1.) Do you think Steve has any loyalty to the people who committed the crime?  Why or why not?

2.) Who do you think Steve is loyal to?  Why?

Level 1: Answer the questions  written in blue: Yes or No

Level 2:  Answer the questions written in blue in complete sentence.

Level 3:  Answer the questions written in blue and in red in complete sentence.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Homework: April 13


I am happy to see you all back from break.  You have been missed!

For Homework:

Everyday we see things that make us happy/give us hope.

Name three things that make you happy/give you hope.


Wednesday, April 1, 2015



How it works:  Each day has a new assignment.  You can either do them all at once or one assignment each day.   

It is due APRIL 13, 2015


Monday, April 6, 2015
Everyday take a few minutes to answer the following questions.  Answer them honestly.
1.) How are you feeling at this moment
2.) What are you looking forward to today?
3.) What is something new you want to try?
Answer these questions everyday; use them as a journal prompt.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015
1.) Answer your daily questions.
2.) Draw a picture of a space you are comfortable in.  Use three words to describe the space.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015
1.) Answer your daily questions
2.) Who is someone you want to impress/make proud?  Why?

Thursday, April 9, 2015
1.) Answer your daily questions.
2.)Steve likes to make films and he is good at expressing his thought through movies.
 What is something you are good at?  How do you know you are good at it?
Friday, April 10, 2015
1.) Answer your daily questions
2.) Make a list of all the things that make you happy.

Reminder:  Be safe over break.
Want something to listen to:  Walter Dean Myers, NPR

Homework: April 1

Welcome to April!!

Today we started Monster by Walter Dean Myers

For Homework:  answer the following question.  Then, ask someone at home the same question.  Are your answers the same?  Different?

What makes someone a monster?