
Thursday, October 29, 2015

Homework: Oct 29

Hello Everyone!!

I hope you all are having a wonderful week!

Today we reviewed current events and looked at different sites in the Lower East Side.  We discussed how things change over time.

For Homework:  All Levels

Find a current event.

Level 1: 
Where did you find your current event?
Give me one fact from your current event.

Level 2: 
Where did you find your current event?
Give me 2-3 fact from your current event.

Level 3: 
Where did you find your current event?
Summarize your current event.

Parent Sign: __________________________________________

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Homework: Oct 28

Hello Everyone!

I hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday.

For Homework:  all levels

Write a review for Of Mice and Men.

Level 1: Be sure to include

1.) A rating (out of how many stars would you give the book) and why

Level 2: Be sure to include

1.) A rating (out of how many stars would you give the book)
2.) Your opinion

Level 3: Be sure to include
1.) A rating (out of how many stars would you give the book)
2.) Your opinion
3.) An example from the book to support your opinion

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Homework: October 27

Hello Everyone!

Today we looked at a map of the LES and selected places we think are the MOST important places for people to go to when they visit our school.

For Homework All Levels

George tells Lennie that if he is ever in trouble that he needs to go back to the river bank and wait for George to meet him there.  That is Lennie's safe place. 

What are important places that people should know about in your neighborhood?  Why?

 (Pick 2-3 places)

Folks at home sign: ________________________________

Monday, October 26, 2015

Homework: October 26

Hello Everyone!!

Below is a list of words and their definitions. 

For homework: Write a sentence using the words for your level.

Level 1: Writhe, Woe, Console

Level 2: Console,  Cringe, Confide

Level 3: Coarse, Confide, Console

to move in a twisting or contorted motion

give moral or emotional strength to

draw back, as with fear or pain

misery resulting from affliction

reveal in private; tell confidentially

of textures that are rough to the touch

Friday, October 23, 2015

Homework: Oct 23

Hello Everyone!

As we enter our final week of Of Mice and Men, we need to start thinking of our final projects.

As a class we will be making a map of the Lower East Side (LES).  We will be making connections between past and present LES and the local businesses that are in our area.

For Homework:  All Levels

Take a walk around your neighborhood with a family member or friend.

1.) Make a map of you area 
2.) Mark on the map places you like to go.
3.) Pick one of the places and tell me why you like to go there.

Folks at home sign: _________________________________

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Homework: Oct 22

Hello Everyone!

Today we talked about Current Events and practiced writing events from Of Mice and Men as if we were news reporters.

For Homework: All Levels

Pick one current event (it can be any topic: sports, news, fashion etc...)

Please provide the following information

1.) Where did you get the information?
2.) What is the problem?
3.) Where does the problem occur (where did it happen)?

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Homework: October 21

Hello Everyone!

Today we talked about the Lower East Side.  We compared past and present maps of the LES.

For Homework: Make a map of a place you are familiar with.  

Level 1: Label your map.

Level 2: Label you map and include a key

Level 3: Label your map, include a key and write a review.

Folks at home sign: _____________________________

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Homework: October 20

Hello Everyone!

Today we discussed looking at other people's writing as a way of gather inspiration.

For Homework: All Levels- Answer the questions below 

1.) Who is someone who inspires you?
2.) Why?

Monday, October 19, 2015

Homework: Oct 19

Good morning everyone!

For Homework:  Use the following vocabulary words in a sentence. 

Level 1:
Shrunken: become or make smaller in size or amount  OR move back or away, especially because of fear or disgust.

Fault- an unattractive or unsatisfactory feature, especially in a piece of work or in a person's character. 

Level 2:
Bleated- make a characteristic wavering cry OR speak or complain in a weak, foolish way
Whimpering- make a series of low, feeble sounds expressive of fear, pain, or discontent.
Defend resist an attack

Level 3: 
Solemnly- done in a serious manner
Crouched- position where the knees are bent and the upper body is brought forward and down
Cowering- crouch down in fear.  

Friday, October 16, 2015

Homework: October 16

Hello Everyone!

Today we reviewed what we have done in class so far.  We looked at vocabulary words, story details form Of Mice and Men and concepts that you have learned in other classes.

Today we also selected classroom leaders.  I am proud of how well you all handled yourselves.

Monday classroom leaders will need to be in class on time and start your responsibilities.

For Homework: All Levels 

In class we  discussed how Arnold and Candy are similar (both had to have their dogs put down because they were sick).

Pick one character from Of Mice and Men that you feel you are SIMILAR to. 

1.) Who is your character?
2.) How are you similar? (Tell me why)

Level 1: One similarity
Level 2: Two similarities
Level 3: Three similarities

Folks at home sign: _____________________________________

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Homework: October 15

Hello Hello Everyone!

Today we discussed using context clues and pictures to help determine the meaning of an unknown word.

For Homework:  Use the following words (based on your level) in a sentence.

Level 1:

Excuse for a failure

To fasten, close with a lever

Level 2:

To look steadily and intently
Quiet, reflective, depressed

Level 3:

Enter in large number, intrusive

To bite or nibble, to persistently worry
Not flexible, not changing, not moving

Folks at home sign: ___________________________________