
Thursday, March 31, 2016

Homework: March 30 and 31

Hello Everyone!

We are working on culminating projects!!

For homework:
Folks at home sign: ________________________

Work with someone at home to create a family story.  
Use the 6 frames below to create a family graphic novel.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Homework: March 29

Good Morning!
Shakespeare Day!
V05 and V04, work on your parts for the play.

For homework: All levels

Why are illustrations helpful?  

Level 1: Give one example from Persepolis
Level 2: Give two examples from Persepolis and one from real life. (Hint: Think of symbols)
Level 3: Give two examples from Persepolis and two from real life. (Hint: Think of symbols)

Folks at home sign: _________________________

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Homework: March 24

Text: Persepolis

Today we completed a gallery walk. 

For Homework: Below is a list of questions.  Interview someone at home and write down the answers.

1.     What makes someone brave?
2.    What makes someone your friend?
3.    What makes someone beautiful?
4.    What makes someone evil?
5.    What makes someone smart?

6.    What makes someone happy?
7.    What makes someone sad?
8.    What makes someone proud?
9.    What makes someone doubt?
10.  What makes someone family?

Level 1: Interview using 3 questions.
Level 2: Interview using 4 questions.
Level 3: Interview using 5 questions. 

Folks at home sign:  _____________________

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Homework: March 23

Homework: March 23, 2016
Ms. Tuck

Text: Persepolis- The Sheep: Pages 67-71

Throughout our lives we have moments that change us forever.  In class today I asked to think about who you are and why.

I am _____________________ because _____________________.

Example from text: Marji is lost because her uncle is gone.
Example from me: I am kind because my family shows me kindness.

For homework:  Interview someone at home.  Ask them to fill out “ I am” statements.

Level 1: Fill out three
I am ____________________ because ___________________________.
I am ____________________ because ___________________________. 
I am ____________________ because ___________________________.

Level 2: Fill out four
I am ____________________ because ___________________________.
I am ____________________ because ___________________________.
I am ____________________ because ___________________________.
I am ____________________ because ___________________________.
Level 3: Fill out five
I am ______________ because ______________________.
I am ______________ because ______________________. 
I am ______________ because ______________________.
I am ______________ because ______________________.
I am ______________ because ______________________.
All levels:  Pick one to create a comic about

Parent Sign: ____________________________

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Homework: March 17

Text: Persepolis

Below is a list of questions.

Level 1- Pick one question to answer
Level 2- Pick two questions to answer
Level 3- Pick three questions to answer

       How does religion factor into the revolution?
       Why does Marji’s father want to stay in Iran?
       What happened to Moshen?
       Why is the chapter called “The Sheep?”

   Parent Sign: ______________________

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Homework: March 16

Text: Persepolis

Hello Everyone.
Today we read chapter: Moscow

For homework:

Level 1:  Please answer the following questions
1.     Who is Anoosh?
2.     Why does Marji love him?
3.     Marji is proud of her family.  What is something you are proud of?

Level 2: Please answer the following questions
1.     What makes someone a hero?
2.     According to Marji, who is a hero?
3.     How does her perspective of her family change from the beginning of the text to the next?

Level 3: Please answer the following questions
1.     What makes someone a hero?
2.     Should Anoosh be considered a hero, why or why not? 
 3.   Marji feels proud of her family.  Why?

Parent Sign: ______________________________ 

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Homework: March 15

Good morning everyone!

For Homework:

V05: Shakespeare day.  Please tell me what each of the following words mean:


All other classes:
Please define the following:


Level 1:  How do authors use those devices?   (select the correct answer)

To make you feel something             To be annoying                    Authors don't use them

Level 2: Give an example of repetition and metaphor.

Level 3:  Give an example of repetition and metaphor.  Explain how an author uses these devices in writing, what is the purpose?

Parent Sign: ________________________________

Monday, March 14, 2016

Homework: March 14

Good Morning,

I hope you all had a pleasant weekend!

For homework: Discuss the following questions with someone at home

Level 1: 
What is freedom?
What is a right?

Level 2:
What is the different between a right and a privilege?

Level 3: 
Should rights be taken away from people who break the law?  Why or why not?

Parent Sign: _________________________________


Thursday, March 10, 2016

Homework: March 10

Hello Everyone!

Today you all got to work with Mr. Mercado!  I hope you all had a wonderful day and I look forward to hearing all about it tomorrow.

For Homework: 

Today we read about the fall of The Shah (the leader of Iran).  Work with someone at home to answer the following questions.

Level 1:  When is it okay to NOT follow the rules?  Why?

Level 2:  Why do people start a revolution? 

Level 3:  Why do people want change?  Give an example from history to support your thinking.

Parent Sign: ____________________________

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Homework: March 9

Good Morning,

Yesterday was a half day and it was great to see all of your family members.

For Homework: All Levels

Level 1, 2 and 3: What is something that is worth fighting for?  Why?

Level 2 and 3: What are some reasons you know people protest?  Give one example from history. 

Level 3: Do you agree or disagree with the reason the people from above protested?

Parent Sign:_______________________________

Monday, March 7, 2016

Homework: March 7

Good Morning Everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

Just a reminder: Parent/Teacher conferences are today and tomorrow!  It would be great to see you all here!

For Homework:  ALL LEVELS

What makes someone a good leader?

Level 1: What was the bad thing the Shah did?
Level 2: What kind of leader was the Shah?  How does it compare to a good leader?
Level 3:  Compare and contrast our president, the Shah and your idea of what makes a good leader.

Parent Sign: ______________________________________

Friday, March 4, 2016

Homework: March 4

Good morning everyone!

Today we reviewed concepts we have talked about in class and information you have gained from your other classes.  

For Homework: ALL LEVELS

Make a connection between one thing we have discussed in ELA class with another class you are in.

Level 1: Connect pictures we use in ELA to the pictures you see in Math.

Level 2 and 3: You pick the class you want to connect to ELA but be sure to make the connection clear.

Level 3 addition:  Why is it important to be able to make connections between classes?

Parent Sign: _____________________

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Homework: March 3

Happy Thursday!

Today we continued to look at the connection between print and graphics. 

For Homework:  All Levels

Think about the symbols we see in everyday life.

Level 1:  Pick and explain 3 symbols or pictures you see in your life.
Level 2: Pick and explain 5 symbols or pictures you see in your life.
Level 3: Pick and explain 7 symbols or pictures you see in your life.

Parent Sign: ________________________________

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Homework: March 2

Good Morning Everyone!

We have started Persepolis and I have enjoyed hearing your opinions about the rules we have in our society. 

As we continue to read Persepolis, lets think about the following ideas:
1. What does it mean to belong?
2. How can we protect ourselves and others from things that are unfair?
3. How do we help create a better future?

For Homework:  Look at the image below.  
Level 1: What do you notice about the picture?  Are both sides the same or different?  Why?
Level 2:  How does the support the text?  (3 sentences please)
Level 3: Explain the connection between the picture and the text.   Explain how one can not exist without the other.

Parent Sign: ___________________________________________________