
Friday, April 22, 2016


Hello Everyone!  

Next week is SPRING BREAK!  

During the break I would like you to work on the following projects.

Level 1: Pick one project to complete
Level 2: Pick two projects to complete
Level 3: Complete all three projects

PROJECTS to choose from:

1. Create a crossword puzzle (with clues) using vocab words and  characters from Walter Dean Meyers' Monster

2. Create a WANTED poster for a character from Monster.  Things to consider: What is the person wanted for?  Is the person dangerous?  What is the reward?  What does the person look like?

3. What product would a character from Monster endorse?  Create an ad/commercial for a product.  Include price, where to buy and what makes it so special.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Homework: April 18

We are entering our final week of Monster.  This week we will be focusing on FEAR.

For Homework: Let's talk about fear.  Talk with someone at home about the following ideas.

Level 1:
1. What is fear?
2.What is something you fear?
3. Is fear good or bad or both?  Why?

Level 2:  
1. What does Steve fear?
2. How does this relate to something you fear?
3. How can fear be helpful?

 Level 3: 
1.  How does fear impact us?
2. How can fear be used against us?  How can it be used for us?
3. Steven says fear is a sign of weakness.  Do you agree?  Why or why not?

Friday, April 15, 2016

Homework: April 13-15

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all have had a wonderful week.

For Homework: Discuss the following ideas/topics with someone at home.

1. Why do people go to court?
2. What happens when someone does something wrong?
3. Draw a scene of one of your favorite places.
4. What happens when you get in trouble at home?
5. What are rules and why do we have them?

Level 1: Pick three to answer
Level 2: Pick four to answer
Level 3: Answer all questions.

Folks at home sign: ______________________

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Homework: April 12

Today is a Shakespeare day!  V05 and V04 work on your parts for the play.

V00 and X02:  Discuss with someone at home the following ideas.

Level 1:
What is a lie?
Are lies good or bad?  Why?

Level 2:
What is a lie?
Are lies good or bad?  Why?
What is a lie you have told? 

Level 3: 
What is a lie?
Are lies good or bad?  Why?
What is a lie you have told?  What happened afterwards?

Folks at home sign: _______________________

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Homework: April 7

Hello Everyone!

I hope you are having a great week so far. 

For Homework: Talk with someone at home about the following

Level 1:
1. What is Justice?
2. How are laws made in our country?
3. What rules do you follow at home?

Level 2:
1. What is Justice?
2. Should you be punished for things you did not do?  Why?

Level 3:  
1. What is Justice?
2. How is Justice seen in our communities?
3. Is justice something we want?  Why or why not?

Folks at home sign: ________________________________

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Homework: April 5

Good Morning,

For Homework: All Levels

Describe a conversation at home following the Monster template.

Be Sure to include: The setting, who is talking and stage directions.  
Below is an example from the text.