
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Homework: January 31

Hello Everyone!

I had a wonderful day with the new schedule, I hope you all did as well.

Today we wrapped up Night and participated in a Get to Know You activity.  

Tomorrow we are going to going to be starting Hiroshima.  Before we being working with the text, we will be learning about John Hersey and the art of interviewing.

For Homework:

Level 1:  Pick one person from your family to interview.  Ask them the following questions.  Remember, be professional.

1. What is your name?
2. Did you always live in New York?  If no, where else have you lived?
3. When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Level 2:  Pick one person from your family to interview.  Ask them the following questions.  Remember, be professional.

1. What is your name?
2. Did you always live in New York?  If no, where else have you lived?
3. What is one of your proudest moments?
4. If you could travel anywhere, where would you do?

Level 3:  Pick one person from your family to interview.  Ask them the following questions.  Remember, be professional.

1. What is your name?
2. Did you always live in New York?  If no, where else have you lived?
3. What do you think is something that is hard to understand?  Why?
4. At what age did you learn a big lesson? What was that lesson?

Folks at home sign: ______________________

Please complete 20 minutes of IXL daily.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Homework: January 30

Hello everyone!

Tomorrow we start a new schedule!  I look forward to working with many of you again next semester!

For homework: At the end of Night, Elie can not recognize himself in the mirror. 

Level 1: Why does Elie have a hard time recognizing who he is?

Level 2: Elie has regrets about things he has had to do and think while in the concentration camps. Many of us feel regret. What is something you regret?  Why?

Level 3: When is a moment you really had to fight to survive? Why? What were the circumstances?

Folks at home sign:

Please complete 20 minutes of  IXL daily. 

Friday, January 27, 2017

Homework: January 27

Hello Everyone!

Today we reviewed concepts we have discussed in class and what topics you have learned about in other classes. 

Next week we are creating posters and commercials promoting our classes.
We have been talking about propaganda and the effects of fake news.

For homework: Create a slogan (a saying) about you and your family that lets everyone know what you are about!

Level 1: Please write your slogan and explain why you chose it.

Level 2: Please write your slogan and explain why you chose it.  Pick an image to support your saying.
Level 3: Please write your slogan and explain why you chose it. Create a short video clip (you can use SnapChat) to say your slogan.

Folks at home please sign: ________________

Please complete 20 minutes of IXL daily. 

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Homework: January 26

Hello Everyone!  

Today we continued to work with similes and metaphors.

Reminder: Both make comparisons between two things or people
Metaphors make direct comparisons
Similes use LIKE or AS

To explain a metaphor or simile, we have to use what we know about the word to explain the comparison.

For example:  She is a diamond

I know that diamonds are: Strong, beautiful, valuable, rare, unique, sparkly

Instead of saying all of those things, I just compare the person to a diamond since it has all of those qualities.

For Homework: Read the statements below.  

All levels: Determine if it is a metaphor or a simile.

Level 1: Pick one to explain
Level 2: Pick two to explain
Level 3: Explain all three please
1. ______ “The street was like a market place that had suddenly been abandoned.”

2. ______ “The doors were nailed up; the way back was finally cut off. The world was a cattle wagon hermetically sealed.”

3. _______ “A great tidal wave of men came rolling onward and would have crushed me like an ant.”

Folks at home sign: _________________________

Please complete 20 minutes of IXL daily.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Homework: January 25

Hello Everyone!

Today we talked about similes and metaphors.  Both are used to make comparisons between two things.

Similes use LIKE or AS

Metaphors makes directs comparisons. 

For Homework:  Below are examples of similes and metaphors found in Night.

Level 1: Pick three examples from below.  Is it a metaphor or a simile?

Level 2: Pick three examples from below.  Is it a metaphor or a simile? Explain one out of the three comparisons. 

Level 3:Pick four examples from below.  Is it a metaphor or a simile?  Explain three out of the four comparisons. 

Folks at home please sign: ________________________

Please complete 20 minutes of IXL daily

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Homework: January 24

Today we talked about guilt.

Guilt: the fact of having committed a specified or implied offense or crime.

Throughout Night, Elie has moments of guilt.  He is having a hard time helping to keep his father alive while also trying to survive himself.

For Homework:  What are tough decisions you have had to make?

Level 1:  Tell about one hard decision you had to make.  What was the end result?
Level 2: Tell about two hard decisions you had to make.  What was the end result?
Level 3: Tell about three hard decisions you had to make.  What was the end result?

Folks at home sign: ___________________

Please complete 20 minutes of IXL. 

Monday, January 23, 2017

Homework: January 23

Hello Everyone!

Today we continued to work on conditional statements.  Last week we created "If, then" statements, in which we made connection between two events.

Conditional statements allow writers to make predictions on what they think the outcome with be in a certain situation.

For example:  When I don't try to complete my work in class, I do not earn my PBIS points.

For Homework:  Please create conditional statements.  Try to create statements that promote happy and healthy communities.

For example: If we all pick up after ourselves, there will be no trash on the ground.

Level 1: Please create 2 statements
Level 2: Please create 3 statements
Level 3: Please create 4 statements

Folks at home sign: _____________________________

Please complete 20 minutes of IXL daily.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Homework: January 20

Today we played Kahoots to review Night and our past readings.

For Homework this weekend:  Think of review questions that we can put into next weeks review. Questions can be multiple choice, short answer, or fill in the blanks.  At least 2 questions have to be about ELA.  The other questions can be a review question from your other classes or a current event.

Level 1:  Please create 3 review questions and provide their answers.
Level 2:  Please create 5 review questions and provide their answers.
Level 3:  Please create 7 review questions and provide their answers.

Folks at home sign: ___________________________ 

Please complete 20 minutes of IXL daily.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Homework: January 19

Hello Everyone!

Today we talked about propaganda and how it was used by the Nazi's.

For Homework:  Below are propaganda posters.  Please answer the following questions based on your levels poster.

Level 1:

1. What is the message?
2. What does this ad want you to do?

Level 2:

1. What is the message?
2. What does this ad want you to do?

Level 3:

1. What is the message?
2. What does this ad want you to do?

Folks at home sign please: _____________________

Please complete 20 minutes of IXL daily

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Homework: January 18

Hello Everyone!

Today we worked with THEN and THAN (practice makes perfect) and I have to say how proud I am of all of you!

Today we also discussed events in our lives that make us who we are.  In the section of text we read today, Elie states that his former self had been consumed by flames, that he was only a shape of himself. 

For Homework: Pick an event in your life that has had an impact on you.

Level 1: Tell about the event.  Why did you pick this event?

Level 2: Tell about two events that have changed you.  One positive and (if you want to share) one negative.

Level 3: Tell about two events that have changed you.  One positive and (if you want to share) one negative.  Why did these two events have such an impact on your life?

Folks at home sign:__________________________

Please work on IXL for 20 minutes daily

Homework: January 17

Hello Everyone! 

Today we continued to discuss the difference between THEN and THAN.

thEn = used for time   

EXAMPLE:  I went to school, then to band practice.

thAn = used to compare   

EXAMPLE: I would rather eat  brussle sprouts than snails.  OR   I am taller than Ms. Asterita.

For Homework:  Complete the sentences below using THEN or THAN

1.     The picture is prettier _______________ the other
2.    I like salad  more _______________ soup.
3.    The game was tied, ______________ our team scored.
4.    If Mario doesn’t want to go, _______________ he should stay home.
5.    It was _______________ that Kirk realized his mistake.
6.    For your chores, you should wash the dog _______________ rake the leaves.
7.    My sister makes better grades _______________ my brother.
8.    This is more important _______________ you think.
9.    If Carrie doesn’t find the library book, _______________ she must pay a fine.
10.  Today was hotter _______________ we thought it would be.

Level 1:  Complete sentences : 1, 2, 6, 7
Level 2: Complete sentences: 3, 4, 9, 10
Level 3: Complete sentences: 4, 5, 8, 9,  

Folks at home sign please: _____________________

Please complete 20 minutes of IXL daily.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Homework: January 13

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful week.

Today we worked on "If, Then" sentences.  An "If, Then" sentence is one that connects two events to each other.  The example we created from the book is "If Elie and his family stay,  they will be taken away"

For Homework:

Level 1:  Create 3 ""If, Then" sentences.
Level 2: Create 4 "If, Then" sentences.
Level 3: Create 5 "If, Then" sentences.

Folks at home sign: ____________________

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Homework: January 10-12

Hello everyone!

For homework this week please look at the following link

Thank you!  
If you have any questions please let me know!


Sunday, January 8, 2017

Homework: January 9

Good morning everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed the ❄❄snow❄❄!

For homework: Throughout Night, Elie has many moments of regret and doubt.  We all have these same exact feelings about different situations in our lives.

Level 1:  Pick one event in your life you are sad/mad/upset about.  How would you change that event to make it a happy outcome?

Level 2: Tell about a time you felt regret.  What would you have done differently?

Level 3: Throughout our lives we will feel many different feelings, some happy, some painful.  Tell about a time you had regret.  What happened?  What would you do to change the situation?  Do you think you have learned from that situation?  Why or why not?

Folks at home sign: __________________

Please complete 20 minutes of IXL daily.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Homework: January 6

Hello Everyone!

For homework: please see the following link.

Over the weekend: Please try at least one of the following

-Make something new (food or craft) with someone from home
-Go on a walk and mark down three new things you see (with a family member or friend)
- Watch a new documentary, share the main idea with someone from home
-Give someone a honest compliment

Folks at home sign: _______________________

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Homework: January 5

Hello Everyone!

Today we discussed what it means to be a human and what choices we can make to be sure that we are good people.

For Homework:

Think of the people in your inner circle (family and friends):

Level 1:  Who do you think is an example of a good person?  Provide an example to support your thinking.

Level 2: Who do you think is an example of a good person? What characteristics of this person do you admire?

Level 3: Who do you think is an example of a good person?  What characteristics of this person do you admire?  Compare and contrast this person to  a famous person you believe to not be a "good" person.

Folks at home sign: ___________________________________

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Homework: Jan 4

Hello everyone!

For today's homework please see:

Ms. Molloy's homework blog

For those of you who went on the Transit trip, please asnwer the following questions:

1. What is one thing you learned today?
2. What is one thing you were nervous about ? (Level 2 and 3: were your anxieties relieved?)
3. What questions do you have for next weeks trip?
4. What is one thing you were surprised to learn?

Folks at home sign please:____________________

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Homework: January 3


I hope you all had a wonderful break!

This month we are reading Night by Elie Wiesel (click link for an online version of the book).

Here is a summary of Night provided by Shmoop:

Despite warnings about German intentions towards Jews, Eliezer’s family and the other Jews in the small Transylvanian town of Sighet (now in modern-day Romania) fail to flee the country when they have a chance. As a result, the entire Jewish population is sent to concentration camps. There, in a camp called Auschwitz, Eliezer is separated from his mother and younger sister, but remains with his father.

As Eliezer struggles to survive against starvation and abuse, he also grapples with the destruction of his faith in God’s justice and battles with the darker sides of himself. Forced into a desperate situation, Eliezer feels a conflict between supporting his ever weakening father and giving himself the best chance of survival.

Over the course of the book, Eliezer and his father are sent from Auschwitz to a new concentration camp called Buna and then, as the Allies (the British and American troops) approach, deeper into Germany, to Buchenwald. A few months before the concentration camps are liberated by Allied soldiers, Eliezer’s father dies. Though Eliezer survives the concentration camps, he leaves behind his own innocence and is haunted by the death and violence he has witnessed.

For Homework:

Level 1:  What does family mean to you?  What are things that you do with your family?

Level 2:  Is family always related through blood?  Why or why not?   Why is family important?

Level 3:  People say family is important, but how can family be damaging?  Give an example from your own life or from a text you have read.

Folks at home sign: __________________________