Hello everyone! As we end Monster, I would like to take this time to self-reflect and write! The goal of this activity it to prompts a writing life-style and to encourage the idea that writing on-going and fluid. To make it more fun, challenge someone at home to write for the same amout of time. Share your writing with each other and share what ideas are sparked by the writing. Level 1: Pick a time in the afternoon. The same time everyday. Set the time and write for 3 minutes straight, no picking up the pencil or saying you are finished. Level 2: Pick a time in the afternoon. The same time everyday. Set the time and write for 4 minutes straight, no picking up the pencil or saying you are finished. Level 3: Pick a time in the afternoon. The same time everyday. Set the time and write for 5 minutes straight, no picking up the pencil or saying you are finished. Folks at home sign:______________________ Please complete 20 minutes of IXL daily.
Hello All, I hope you are all doing well during this rainy day! Today in class we worked on short vowel sounds and read a section of Monster in which Steve worries about how his family must be feeling during his time in court.
Homework: Level 1: What is one thing you worry about? What do you do when you are feeling worried? Level 2: What are two things you worry about? What advice would you give to others when they are feeling worried? Level 3: What does it mean to worry? What are two things you worry about? Why do you think people worry? Does worrying do any good? Folks at home sign: ____________________________ Please complete 20 minutes of IXL daily
Hello All, Today we finished working on our Bio-Poems. We also discussed short vowel sounds and one syllable sounds. Short Vowel Sounds: A as in apple, E as in Ed, I as in itch, O as in octopus, U as in up. For homework: Level 1: Think of five words that have short vowel sounds. One word for each vowel (A, E, I, O, U) Level 2: Think of ten words that have short vowel sounds. Two word for each vowel (A, E, I, O, U) What words sound the same? Why do they sound the same? Level 3: Think of fifteen words that have short vowel sounds. Three word for each vowel (A, E, I, O, U) What do you notice about the words you have written down? Sort the words you have selected into group. What groups did you create and why? Folks at home sign: ________________________ Please complete 20 minutes of IXL daily.
Hello Everyone! Happy Friday! For Homework: Work with someone at home to complete this assignment. Use on of the following websites to complete this task.
Time for Kids DOGO News Scholastic News Your job is to read about one current event. Please answer the following questions. Level 1: 1. Name of the article 2. Who wrote the article 3. When was the article written 4. Write one sentence to explain what the article was about. Level 2: 1. Name of the article 2. Who wrote the article 3. When was the article written 4. Write a three sentence summary of the article. 5. Do you agree or disagree with the article? Why or why not.
Level 3: 1. Name of the article 2. Who wrote the article 3. When was the article written 4. Write a five sentence summary of the article. 5.
What is your opinion of the article? Do you agree or disagree?
Explain your thinking and provide evidence from the text to support your
Folks at home please sign: _______________________
Hello Everyone! Today we finished reading Who Knows Me But Me by Jimmy Sanitago Baca. For Homework: Work with someone at home to read the section of poem below.
I cannot fly or make something appear in
my hand,
I cannot make the heavens open or the
earth tremble,
I can live with myself, and I am amazed at myself, my love, my
Level 1: Name two things you can't do. Name one thing you love about yourself.
Level 2: Fill in the blank
I cannot _____________or _________________,
I can live with _____________, and I am amazed at ____________,
Level 3: Fill in the blank
I cannot _____________or _________________,
I cannot make __________or ________________,
I can live with _____________, and I am amazed at ____________, my __________, my ___________
Folks at home sign: ________________ Please complete 20 minutes of IXL daily.
Hello Everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful break! I am so happy to see all of you! Today we read a poem by Jimmy Sanitago Baca entitled WhoUnderstands Me But Me. For homework: Think about the important people and things in your life. Create lists of those important things. We will need them for an assignment this week.
Level 1: Create a list of 5 things or people that are important to you.
Level 2: Create a list of 7 things or people that are important to you.
Level 3: Create a list of 9 things or people that are important to you.
Hello Everyone! Today we continued to work on our Bio-Poem. For Homework: Work with someone at home to create a bio-poem about a family member. Use the template below to help write the poem.
Level 1:
Line 1: First name
Line 2: Three traits that
describe the character
Line 3:
Relative of _____________________
Line 4: Lover of (one thing ________________
Line 5:
Who feels (one thing ________________
Line 6: Who needs (one thing) ________________
Line 7:
Who fears (one thing) ________________
Line 8:
Who gives (one thing) ________________
Line 9:
Who would like to see (one thing) ________________
Line 10: Resident
Line 11: Last name
Level 2:
Line 1: First name
Line 2: Three traits that
describe the character
Line 3:
Relative of _____________________
Line 4: Lover of (two
things) ________________
Line 5:
Who feels (two things) ________________
Line 6: Who needs (two
things) ________________
Line 7:
Who fears (two things) ________________
Line 8:
Who gives (two things) ________________
Line 9:
Who would like to see (two things) ________________
Line 10: Resident
Line 11: Last name
Level 3:
Line 1: First name
Line 2: Three traits that
describe the character
Line 3:
Relative of _____________________
Line 4: Lover of (three
things) ________________
Line 5:
Who feels (three things) ________________
Line 6: Who needs (three
things) ________________
Line 7:
Who fears (three things) ________________
Line 8:
Who gives (three things) ________________
Line 9:
Who would like to see (three things) ________________
Today we began looking at the reasons why Walter Dean Myers writes and he need for a role model.
Homework:Read the section below about
Walter Dean Myers.Answer the questions
Meet the
Author: Walter Dean Myers
As a teenage African
American in Harlem in the 1950s, Myers didn't have many public role models to
look up to. He knew that he loved to read and write. As an adult, Myers eventually entered a
contest for writers of picture books. He won the contest and went on to write
several more picture books. Later, he began to publish young adult novels.He writes mostly for young people because, he
says, "The young adult and middle grade periods of my life were so vivid
and, in looking back, so influential in how I would live the rest of my life.
Level 1:Who is someone you admire?How do they help motivate you?
Level 2: Who is someone you
admire?What do they do to support you
and motivate you to achieve greatness?
Level 3: Who is someone you
admire?What do they do to support you
and motivate you to achieve greatness?How have they overcome their challenges?
Folks at home sign: _________________________________
Hello Everyone! Today we continued our work on Walter Dean Myers. For Homework: Read the short article clip below, answer the questions that follow.
Children’s Book Envoy Defines His Mission
“I think that what we need to do is say reading is going to really affect your life,” Walter Dean Myers said.Credit
Juan Arredondo for The New York Times
CITY — On the rough-edged streets of Harlem in the 1940s, the young
Walter Dean Myers knew better than to carry his library books where
other children could see them.
was teased if I brought my books home,” said Mr. Myers, now a prolific
and award-winning children’s book author. “I would take a paper bag to
the library and put the books in the bag and bring them home. Not that I
was that concerned about them teasing me — because I would hit them in a
heartbeat. But I felt a little ashamed, having books.”
Level 1:
1. What is the title of the article?
2. When was it written?
3. Who is the author of the article?
4. Who is the article written about?
Level 2:
1. What is the title of the article?
2. When was it written?
3. Who is the author of the article?
4. Write one to two sentences summarizing the article.
Level 3:
1. What is the title of the article?
2. When was it written?
3. Who is the author of the article?
4. Write one to two sentences summarizing the article.
5. Have you ever felt embarrassed by something you loved? Explain your thinking.
Folks at home sign: ________________________________
Hello All, Today we started Monster by Walter Dean Myers. I am still searching for an online PDF version of the book, but in HERE is a link for news articles that are related to the themes found in Monster. For Homework: Use this website to answer the following questions:
a.) In which New York City neighborhood did
Walter Dean Myers grow up?
b.) Which New York City high school did
Walter Dean Myers attend?
Level 2:
a.) In which New York City neighborhood did
Walter Dean Myers grow up?
b.) Which New York City high school did
Walter Dean Myers attend?
c.) For which award was the book Monster named a finalist? ____________________________________________________________________________________ Level 3:
a.) In which New York City neighborhood did
Walter Dean Myers grow up?
b.) Which New York City high school did
Walter Dean Myers attend?
c.) For which award was the book Monster named a finalist? ____________________________________________________________________________________ Use this website:
a.) Which books by Walter Dean Myers have
been banned from schools and libraries? ____________________________________________________________________________________
Folks at home sign: ________________________________________