
Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Homework: June 27

Hello Everyone! 
  Today is our last FULL day of the school year!

Remember: Summer School starts July 5th!  I hope to see you all here!

For Homework: Work with someone at home to complete this assignment.  Use on of the following websites to complete this task.

NBC News

NPR News

Time for Kids


Scholastic News

Your job is to read about one current event. Please answer the following questions.

Level 1: 
1. Name of the article
2. Who wrote the article
3. When was the article written
4. Write one sentence to explain what the article was about.

Level 2: 
1. Name of the article
2. Who wrote the article
3. When was the article written
4. Write a three sentence summary of the article.
5. Do you agree or disagree with the article?  Why or why not.

Level 3: 
1. Name of the article
2. Who wrote the article
3. When was the article written
4. Write a five sentence summary of the article.
5. What is your opinion of the article?  Do you agree or disagree?  Explain your thinking and provide evidence from the text to support your thinking.

Folks at home please sign: _______________________

Please complete 20 minutes of IXL daily.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Homework: June 21

Hello Everyone!

Today we read William Carlos William's "This is Just to Say" poem.

In this poem, someone has taken something that does not belong to them, and although they are saying sorry, they are slightly pleased with themselves for taking it.

For Homework: In the chart are our five sense.  Write down words that can be used to explain the experience we have using our senses.

For example:

Taste:  Sweet, sour, bitter

Hear: Loud, soft

Feel: Fluffy, scratchy

 Level 1: Use at least 3 words for each sense.

Level 2:  Use at least 4 words for each sense.

Level 3: Use at least 3 words for each sense.



Folks at home sign: _______________________

Please complete 20 minutes of IXL daily. 

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Homework: June 20th

hello hello!

I hope you are all doing well!  Just as a reminder: No school on Monday, June 26. On Tuesday, June 27, the Knicks Groove Truck will be at school. The last day of school is Wednesday, June 28th.

Today in class we read a poem by Patrick Phillips titled Heaven.

For homework:  All levels.

Think about your five senses.  Take three minutes to sit quietly, it can be on the bus, train, at home.   Your goal is to not talk for three minutes.

Level 1:
Make a list of all the things you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch

Level 2:
Write a sentence, one each, to describe the things to see, smell, taste, touch and hear.

Level 3:
Ask someone at home to sit with you for three minutes without talking.
Each of you make a list of things you see, hear, smell, touch, and taste. Do this without looking at each other's list.
Compare and contrast each others lists. How are they the same? How are they different?

Folks at home sign:

Please complete 20 minutes of IXL in the area of subject/verb aggreeement.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Homework: June 15

Hello All!

I hope you all are staying cool in the heat!  Please sure to drink enough water and to take cool down breaks.

Today we discuss the goals we have for ourselves and our futures.

Who decides what our future is?  Your parents?  Friends? You?

For Homework:

Level 1: Match the word to the correct definition.

1. Decrepit
A. doubting, not to be relied on
2. Affliction
B. worn out or ruined by age
3. Dubious
C. something that causes pain or suffering

Look up your Zodiac sign and characteristics (this is all in fun!)

My Sign is: ________________________
My sign says I:

Level 2:  Match the word to the correct definition.

1. Decrepit
A. doubting, not to be relied on
2. Affliction
B. worn out or ruined by age
3. Dubious
C. something that causes pain or suffering

Look up  your Zodiac sign and characteristics (it's all in fun)

My Sign is: ________________________
My sign says I:

Work with someone at home to list your characteristics.
I am _________________________________________
I am _________________________________________
I am _________________________________________

Level 3:
 Match the word to the correct sentence
1. Decrepit
A. Although Hazel may feel ____ she is still young and beautiful.
2. Affliction
B. Hazel was ____ of August’s offer to take her to Amsterdam.
3. Dubious
C. Augustus didn’t see his cancer as a source of ____ but rather something that gave him character.

Look up your Zodiac sign and characteristics (it's all in fun)

My Sign is: ________________________
My sign says I:

Work with someone at home to list your characteristics.
I am _________________________________________
I am _________________________________________
I am _________________________________________

Folks at home please sign: __________________

Please complete 20 minutes of IXL daily 

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Homework: June 13

Hello Everyone!

I hope everyone enjoyed their day off and stayed cool in the hot weather!

Today we talked about the importance of titles.

For Homework: Work with someone at home.

Level 1:  
1. Where does the title The Fault in our Stars come from?
(Hint:  Think Shakespeare)
2. Think of your life.  If your life was a movie or book, what would the title be?  Remember, the title has meaning.  

Level 2: 
1. Where does the title The Fault in our Stars come from?
2. Think of your life.  If your life was a movie or book, what would the title be? Remember, the title has significance.
3.  Ask someone at home what would be the title of their life.  

Level 3:
1. Where does the title The Fault in our Stars come from?
2. Think of your life.  If your life was a movie or book, what would the title be? Remember, the title has significance.  Give a one-two sentence explaining your thinking.
3.  Ask someone at home what would be the title of their life.   

Folks at home sign:  ___________________________

Please complete 20 minutes of IXL  daily.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Homework: June 9th

Hello everyone!

I hope you all had a nice day off!  Reminder there is no school on Monday, June 12th.

Today we talked about Agree/Disagree Statements.  We also talked about the difference between truth and lies and played a game called two truths and a lie.

For Homework: Work with someone at home 


Write down two truths and one lie about yourself.

Ask someone at home to do the same (to write down two truth and one lie)

Folks at home sign: _____________

Please complete 20 minutes of IXL

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Homework: June 7th

Hello Everyone!

Today we are continued to discuss the 5Ws.

For homework:  Recount an event from tonight (or tomorrow on your day off!) using the 5W's.

Level 1:  Complete chart


Level 2:  Complete the chart using complete sentences


Level 3: Complete the chart using complete sentences.  Use the 5Ws to write a paragraph about your event.


Folks at home please sign: ____________________

Please complete 20 minutes of IXL daily.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Homework: June 6th

Hello Everyone!

Today we worked on answering 5W questions when reading a text and using those answers to make predictions.

A prediction is a guess based on information you already have and your own experiences.

For Homework: Read the below article about the Paris Climate Agreement.  Answer the questions that follow.

On Tuesday, June 1, President Donald Trump fulfilled his promise by saying that the US will stop being part of the 2015 Paris climate agreement. The goal of the pledge signed by 195 countries is to reduce the use of fossil fuels to make sure the average global temperatures do not increase more than 2°C (3.6°F). Environmentalists believe this is a critical level, above which the planet could experience rise in sea levels and widespread plant and animal extinction.
The decision was met with much dismay (sadness) by most Americans and people worldwide. However, President Trump’s administration has always believed that the environmental rules put in place by the treaty cost American jobs.

Level 1:  
What are the 5W questions?
Please answer three of them about the article above.

Level 2: 
What are the 5W questions?
Please answer four of them about the article above.

Level 3:
What are the 5W questions?
Please answer all five of them about the article above.
Please cite your answers if possible using  " according to the text"

Folks at home sign: ________________

Please complete 20 minutes of IXL daily.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Homework: June 5

Hello Everyone!

Happy Happy Monday!  Just as a reminder: there is NO school June 8th.

Today we talked about PERSPECTIVE.

Today we looked at different pictures discussed how each of use see something different based on our perspective.

For Homework: Look at the picture below.  Interview someone at home and talk about what they see in the picture.  Do you remember what this is a picture of?

Level 1: Ask someone at home
1. What do you see?

Level 2:  Ask someone at home
1. What do you see?
2. What do you think this is a picture of and why?

Level 3: Ask someone at home
1. What do you see?
2. What do you think this is a picture of and why?
3. How does your perspective influence your thinking? 

Folks at home please sign: _____________________________

Please complete 20 minutes of IXL daily.

Friday, June 2, 2017

Homework: June 2

Hello Everyone! 

Happy Friday!

For Homework: Work with someone at home to complete this assignment.  Use on of the following websites to complete this task.

NBC News

NPR News

Time for Kids


Scholastic News

Your job is to read about one current event. Please answer the following questions.

Level 1: 
1. Name of the article
2. Who wrote the article
3. When was the article written
4. Write one sentence to explain what the article was about.

Level 2: 
1. Name of the article
2. Who wrote the article
3. When was the article written
4. Write a three sentence summary of the article.
5. Do you agree or disagree with the article?  Why or why not.

Level 3: 
1. Name of the article
2. Who wrote the article
3. When was the article written
4. Write a five sentence summary of the article.
5. What is your opinion of the article?  Do you agree or disagree?  Explain your thinking and provide evidence from the text to support your thinking.

Folks at home please sign: _______________________

Please complete 20 minutes of IXL daily.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Homework: June 1st

Hello Everyone and Welcome to JUNE!

This month we will be reading The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. 

Here is a link to the summary of the book.

Today in class we met Hazel and Augustus Waters and discussed "Would You Rather" questions.

For homework:  Please work with someone at home to create "Would You Rather"questions.

For example:  Would you rather be stuck on an overly crowded subway or alone on an island?

Level 1: Create three "Would You Rather" questions.
Level 2: Create four "Would You Rather" questions.
Level 3: Create five "Would You Rather" questions.

Folks at home please sign: ___________________

Please complete 20 minutes of IXL.

**On a previous homework (May 30) I stated that singular verbs do no end in "S."  I mixed up my rules!
 Singular Subject (no S, example BUG) = Singular Verbs.  Singular Verbs END IN S

Plural  Subject (end in S, example BUGS) = Plural Verb.  Plural Verbs DO NOT END in S.

Sorry for the confusion.