
Thursday, September 27, 2018

Homework: September 27th

1.  8 + ((12 + 3) + 22 )

2.   ( 52 + (10 / 5 + 22 ) )

3.   (( 11 – 4) 2 x 7 ) + 82

4. 6 + ( 4 +  ( 11 – 6 ) 2 )

( 42 + ( 8 / 4 + 5 2 ))

Folks at home please sign: _________________________

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Homework: September 25

Today we talked about influences and the role of gods in the Odyssey

Name 3 people/things that are good influences on you:

1. ____________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________ 

Name 3 people/things that are bad influences on you:

1. ____________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________

Are you a good or bad influence on others?  Why?  Please provide a specific example to support your answer.

Folks at home please sign: __________

Friday, September 21, 2018

Homework: September 21

QUIZ!!!!  Please time yourself.
You have 30 minutes to complete this quiz. 


1.    ( 7 + X ) + 9  = 28
2.   (3 + X ) + 11 = 19
3.   ( X – 4 ) – 15 = 34
4.   ( X – 13 ) + 19 = 79
5.   ( X * 9 ) = 63
6.   ( X * 7 ) + 10  = 31
7.   ( X * 4 ) – 12  = 20
( 17 – X ) – 6 = 3

(62 + 4) / 9 =

Folks at home please sign: ____________________

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Homework: September 20

Today we practiced solving for an unknown à X
Odysseus spent years trying to get home to his wife and family.  He was trapped on an island, fought monsters, and was attacked by the sea.  He had to problem solve to get out of each situation.

Example:    ( 14 + X ) – 13 = 8   
1.  ( 9 + X ) + 5  = 21
2.  (17 + X ) + 21 = 63
3.  ( X – 11 ) – 6 = 23
4.  ( X – 19 ) + 13 = 31
5.  ( X * 5 ) = 45
6.  ( X * 7 ) + 10  = 59
7.  ( X * 5 ) – 7  = 23

Folks at home please sign: ______________________

REMINDER: There is a quiz tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Homework: September 18

Today we continued to practiced solving for an unknown à X
Odysseus spent years trying to get home to his wife and family.  He was trapped on an island, fought monsters, and was attacked by the sea.  He had to problem solve to get out of each situation.

Solve for X
Example:    ( 15 + X ) – 14 = 8  
1.   ( 7 + X ) + 7  = 21
2.   (10 + X ) + 31 = 63
3.   ( X – 13 ) – 7 = 23
4.   ( X – 17 ) + 19 = 31
5.   ( X * 9 ) = 45
6.   ( X * 7 ) + 10  = 52
7.   ( X * 5 ) – 12  = 23
Challenge: ( 15 – X ) – 9 = 3
Folks at home please sign: ______________________

Monday, September 17, 2018

Homework: September 17

Today we practiced solving for an unknown à X
Odysseus spent years trying to get home to his wife and family.  He was trapped on an island, fought monsters, and was attacked by the sea.  He had to problem solve to get out of each situation.
Solve for X

Example:    ( 18 + X ) – 16 = 11
1.   ( 5 + X ) + 3 = 9
2.   (7 + X ) + 5 = 22
3.   ( X – 5 ) – 7 = 3
4.   ( X – 10 ) + 6 = 20
5.   ( X * 2 ) = 24
6.   ( X * 3 ) + 6  = 27
7.   ( X * 5 ) – 4 = 9
Challenge: ( 12 – X ) – 7 = 2
Folks at home please sign: ______________________

Friday, September 14, 2018

Homework: September 14th

This week we talked about our IEP’s and our goals for our future.

Odysseus faced many challenges throughout his journey.  What are some challenges you might face?

For homework: Work with someone at home to complete the chart below.  We have already completed this chart in class.  This time you are working with someone to see what their dreams and fears are for you.

History: What are your student’s likes and dislikes?

Dreams: What would you like to happen for your student’s future?  What job would you like for your student?  Where would you like your student to live?

Nightmares: What concerns do you have for your student?  What are your worries for your student?

Contributions: What does it take for your student to meet their dreams?  Who can help?  What skills do they need to learn or need help with?

Folks at home please sign: _____________________________

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Homework: September 13

Use PEMDAS to solve the problems below.

1.       37 – 8 x 3 =
2.       3 x  10  - ( 4  +  8 ) =
3.       52  x ( 5  – 3 ) =
4.       52 x  5  - 3 =
5.       9 + 8 x 7 – 26 =
6.       ( 9 / 3 ) x 4 + 6 =
7.       92 – 62 =
8.       80 / 10  -  5 =

35 – 8 x 4 + 12 =

Maria’s answer:  15
Ms. Tuck’s answer: 432

Who is correct? _____________

Explain your thinking: 

Folks at home please sign: __________________

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Homework: September 12th

Hello everyone and welcome back!

This week we are focusing on our journey towards becoming independent adults.

For homework: Please complete the following problems.

1.   (32 + 2) – 7 =
2.   (9 +5) x 2 =
3.   102 + (25 -15) =
4.   22 + (7 x 3 ) =
5.   5 + 5 + 6 – 4 =
6.   10 – 8 + (5 x 6) =
7.   (6 / 3) x ( 7 + 8) =
8.   ( 30 – 18 ) – 6 =

James has the following problem: 7 + ( 5 x 4 ) =
His answer: 48 
Is he correct?  ___________________
Why or why not?
Folks at home please sign: _____________________________


Friday, September 7, 2018

Homework: September 7th

Hello Everyone!

Happy first week!  Below is your homework for the weekend.


A: What does PEMDAS stand for?
B: What is one example of you problem solving at home?  At work?

Please complete the problems below.

1.  (21 + 7 ) x 8 - 2

2.   8 x 6 +( 4 + 5 )

3.  (12 + 2 ) + 12 x 4

4.  ( 8 +33 - 5 ) x 18

5.  (14 + 7 ) x ( 7 - 4 )

6.  (17 + 5 ) x 11 - 2

7.  8 x 2 +( 4 - 3 )

8.  (12 - 4 ) + 16 x 4

9.  ( 8 +33 - 5 ) x 2

10.  (12 + 3 ) x ( 11 + 4 )

No School Monday and Tuesday

Folks at home please sign: ______________________

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Homework: September 6th

Homework:  Today we began discussing the Odyssey by Homer.

This month we are going to be exploring our transition goals.  Please work with someone at home to complete the following questions.

Questions are based on your own personal goals- what do you want in life, relationships, family…

1.       What is one goal you have for today?
2.       What is one goal you have for this week (the week ending 9/14/18)
3.       What is one goal you have for this month?
4.       What is one goal you have for this semester (from now till February 2019)?
5.       What is one goal you have for the year?

Folks at home please sign: ________________________________

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Hello and Welcome to the 2018-2019 School Year!

I am so excited to be working with you all this year!

For homework:  PLEASE sign your permission slip and return tomorrow.

See you all in the morning!