
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Homework: Week of Feb. 3-7

Good Afternoon: Here is the homework for the week.

Folks at home: A hard copy will be handed out in class of the homework.  If you have any questions please call or comment in the comment section below.

Ways to submit homework:  You may turn in homework in class any day during the week OR you may submit it online in the comment section below.  PLEASE have your name and class on your work.

What are we doing this week: A QUILT OF A COUNTRY
Monday: How to decode unknown words--> Does it look right, sound right, make sense in the sentence?
Tuesday: The word choice of the author--> Why did she choose that word? 
Wednesday: The meanings and feelings words have
Thursday: Does what we read agree or disagree with our opinion?
Friday: How words can make us look at an event a particular way

Monday:  Read section of A quilt of a country.  Underline any unknown word and use context clues to figure out the words meaning.

"Tolerance is the word used most often when this kind of coexistence succeeds, but tolerance is a vanilla-pudding word, standing for little more than the allowance of letting others live unremarked and unmolested. Pride seems excessive, given the American willingness to endlessly complain about them, them being whoever is new, different, unknown or currently under suspicion."

Tuesday: Read the same section.  Are the underline words POSITIVE or NEGATIVE.  Use context clues to determine how the word is being used in the sentence. 

"Tolerance is the word used most often when this kind of coexistence succeeds, but tolerance is a vanilla-pudding word, standing for little more than the allowance of letting others live unremarked and unmolested. Pride seems excessive, given the American willingness to endlessly complain about them, them being whoever is new, different, unknown or currently under suspicion."

Wednesday: Rewrite this passage to make it evoke a different emotion.

Pride seems excessive, given the American willingness to endlessly complain about them, them being whoever is new, different, unknown or currently under suspicion. 

Thursday: Determine if you agree or disagree with the text.  Why?

Pride seems excessive, given the American willingness to endlessly complain about them, them being whoever is new, different, unknown or currently under suspicion. 

Friday: Listen to this NPR podcast from RadioLab.