
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Hmework: May 27-30

Welcome Back!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful three-day weekend.  It's important to take the time to thank those who have lost their lives.

Below is your homework for the week. As a reminder, you may turn in a hard copy at the beginning of class or post in the comment sections below.

Folks at Home:  We are entering our final week of Fahrenheit 451.  While we wrap up the book by Ray Bradbury, take this time to ask your children about what they have learned over this month. 

Some topic questions could be:
1.) What role do books play in Fahrenheit 451?
2.) Are people happy in F451, why or why not?
3.) What is one thing you think our society could do without, why?


Tuesday:  We are beginning our projects in class.  One of the projects is Speech Bubble vs Thought Bubble.
For homework I would like you to do a Speech Bubble vs Thought Bubble for an event in your life.  Remember: To do this project you have to make a speech bubble for something you said and a thought bubble for what you really thought. 
For example:  You say :  Your shirt is really cool!   You think:  That shirt has a weird design.

Wednesday and Thursday:  This is a two day assignment.  I want you to create your own dystopia.What is a dystopia?  Click HERE for to find out more information.
Wednesday: Include in this dystopia things what would make the world HORRIBLE.  What are things you hope WILL NOT happen in the future.
Thursday:  What would be included for your folks at home's dystopia?

Friday:  Who is George Washington?  What did you he do?  Why do we care about him?
Click HERE for more information

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Homework: May 21-23

Hello everyone!  I hope your week is off to a great start!

As we head towards our final week of Fahrenheit 451, think about which end of the year project you would be interested in.

Option 1: Act out a scene from F451
Option 2: Participate in a mock trial
Option 3: Thought Bubble

All options will be explained further in class.  Mr. Timmins and I will be combining our classes, so you will be given ample time to collaborate with your peers.

Homework: Please answer the following questions

Wednesday: How do you decide if something is wrong or right?  Give one example.

Thursday: Was Montag right to kill Beatty?  Why or Why not?  Is there ever a time to fight back?

Friday: Who is Faber, why is he so important to Montag?  Do you have a 'Faber' in your life?

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Homework: May19 and May 20

Good morning everyone! 

I hope you all had a wonderful and safe weekend. I look forward to our week together. Below is your homework for Monday and Tuesday.

Both homework require a short answer response. Please examples and evidence from the text, other class readings, and conversations you have had in your other classes.

Monday: Last week we spoke about happiness.  Define what it means to be happy to Mildred.
Is she really happy, why or why not?

Tuesday: Beatty suggests that in order for us to be happy, we need to all be alike.  Why is this statement TRUE (We have discussed in class the faults in this statement,  I want you to argue for the statement)?

Monday, May 12, 2014

Homework: May 12-16

Hello everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed the time with your family. 

Below is your homework for the week.  

Reminder:  You may submit your homework in the comment section below OR you may hand in your work at the start of class.

Monday:  Use the correct form of To, Too, Two

1.) I have _____________ brothers and one sister.

2.)  I have ____________ go to class on time today.

3.) Does she want to go to class _______________?

4.) Can I please have _______________ papers?

5.) I went ___________________ the mall last night.

Tuesday: Answer the following questions.
There, their, and they're.  Explain the meaning of each of the words.  Use each one in a sentence correctly.

Wednesday:  Use the correct form of There, Their, They're

1.) __________________ best friend.

2.) Please put the books over _________________________.

3.) Did you go over to __________________ house?

4.) Please give ________________ dog a bath.

5.) After school, ______________________ going to the movies.

Thursday: Read the quote below.  Answer the questions that follow. 

"We have everything we need to be happy, but we aren't happy. Something's missing. I looked around. The only thing I positively knew was gone was the books I'd burned in ten or twelve years. So I thought books might help."

1.) What are some things Guy has that are "supposed" to make him happy?
2.) Why does Guy think that books might help his unhappiness?

Today we watched a Ted talk by Malcom Gladwell- Spaghetti Sauce

Listen to the NPR podcast 
1.)What does it mean to be happy?
2.) What does Malcom say makes people happy?
3.) Do you agree with his theory?

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Homework: May 8 and May 9

Hello everyone!

I hope you all are having a wonderful week!  Below will you find your homework for Thursday, May 8th and Friday, May 9th.

Thursday:  Pick the correct homonym.

Isn't this a nice time of   (knight      night )   to walk?     (I       eye)  like   ( to    too)  smell things and look at things, and sometimes stay up all (knight      night ) , walking, and watch the   ( son     sun ) rise."
They walked on again in silence and finally she said, thoughtfully, "You know, I'm not afraid of   (you       ewe)    at all."

Friday: Answer the questions below.
We have starting reading about Clarisse and the conversations she has with Guy.
What do you think of Clarisse? 
What does Guy think of Clarrise?

Monday, May 5, 2014

Homework: May 6 and 7

Good Afternoon,

I hope everyone is having a wonderful break! Below you will find your homework for Tuesday and Wednesday.  

Folks at home:  As a reminder, please feel free to comment below with any questions you may have.
To submit homework:  You may either post in the comment section below OR you may turn in homework at the start of class.

Tuesday: Contractions

Wednesday: Homonym
 homophones worksheet | Homonyms, homophones. Words and worksheets.

Homework: May 5

Happy Cinco De Mayo!

I hope everyone had a safe and happy weekend.

For homework: Please answer the following question.  Please provide at lease ONE example.

Questions: What role does social media and technology play in your relationships today?

(Hint:  Where would your life be without Facebook and cell phones?)

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Homework: May 1 and 2

Hello Everyone!

Today is May 1st which means we start a new book!

We are starting Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury.

Each student has been given a copy of the book (they may take the book home or use the book in class).

Below is the homework for Thursday and Friday.

Thursday: Respond to the quote

“There must be something in books, something we can’t imagine, to make a woman stay in a burning house; there must be something there. You don’t stay for nothing.” 
-Ray Bradbury 

What do you think is in books that is so important?

Friday: Respond to the quote

“If you hide your ignorance, no one will hit you and you'll never learn.” 
-Ray Bradbury

Do you think we should hide how smart we are?  Why or why not?