
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Homework: May 26-28

Hello everyone!

We are finishing up F451.  This week we are working on theme books. Each of you has been working on books representing the vocabulary words that can be found in F451.

For homework:

Work on a theme book at home.  Be sure you include words that are related to the topic, pictures, and definitions. 

You have till Friday to complete this assignment.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Homework: May 21

Good Day Everyone!

Today we continued our discussion on inferencing.

For Homework: Answer the following questions.

1.) What is an inference?

2.) Do you agree with Guy's decision to work with Faber (level 2 and 3: why or why not)

3.) Based on what you know already and what you have learned in class, what do you think the ending of the book will be?

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Homework: May 20

Hello everyone!

Today we talked about writing with detail.

For Homework:  Answer the following questions.

1. What is a an inference?
2. What inference can you make about Clarisse?

Level 1:  Answer the questions
Level 2: Answer the questions in complete sentences
Level 3: Answer the questions in complete sentences. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Homework: May 19

Hello everyone!

Today we talked about writing with detail.

For Homework:  Answer the following questions.

1. What is a Flat character?
2. What is a Round character?
3. Who is Faber?

Level 1:  Answer the questions
Level 2: Answer the questions in complete sentences
Level 3: Answer the questions in complete sentences.  Provide examples for questions  1 and 2.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Homework: May 18

Hello Everyone!

Today we discussed editing and revising our writing.

Edit- to correct spelling and grammar mistakes
Revise-to add or take out information

For Homework: 

Level 1:  Give an example of an editing correction and a revision correction.

Level 2:  What makes a sentence powerful?

Level 3:  What makes a sentences powerful?  Give one example

Friday, May 15, 2015

Homework: May 15


For Homework:

Ask someone at home what is was life before cell phones and the internet.  What were some of their favorite things to do with friends?

Level 1: One sentence
Level 2: Three sentences
Level3: Five sentences

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Homework: May 14

Hello everyone.

For Homework:

Answer the questions for your level.

Level 1:  

What are the three types of writing?

Level 2:

What are the three types of writing?

Give a real life example of ONE type of writing

Level 3: 

What are the three types of writing?

Give a real life example of ALL THREE.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Homework: May 12

Hello Everyone!
Today we talked about conflict.

Person VS Self             
Person VS Person             
Person VS Nature            
Person VS Society

For Homework:
1.) What is a conflict you are facing right now? 
2.) What type of conflict is it?

Level 1: Answer each question
Level 2: Answer each question in complete sentences.
Level 3:  Answer question 1 in 2 or more complete sentences.  Answer question 2 and compare it to a conflict in the book.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Homework: May 11

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and Mother's Day.

Today was a Shakespeare day.  Those of you in the play please be sure to know your lines.

Today we discussed putting events in order.   To do this, we must look at transitional clues.

For Homework:

Tell me about your day.  Be sure to put your day in order.  Remember, an event is when something changes, so please do not tell me you looked at the clock as one of the events.

Level 1: Three events
Level 2:  Five events
Level 3: Seven events

Friday, May 8, 2015

Homework: May 8 and weekend


Today we discussed MAJOR and MINOR characters.

For homework:

Friday:  Define the terms Major and Minor characters


Pick a movie, book, or TV show.

Pick two characters.  Determine if they are MAJOR or MINOR characters.  Explain your thinking.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Homework: May 7

Hello Everyone!

Today we talked about setting.  

Setting- where and when something takes place.  Writers use their five sense to describe the setting.

For Homework: Write about a space at home. Use your five sense to describe the space.

Level 1: Draw a picture
Level 2: Draw a picture and label the parts of the space
Level 3:  Write a 4 to 5 sentence paragraph describing the space.   You may have a drawing to along with the picture.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Homework: May 4-6

Shakespeare Days!

Homework: Remember you lines and your parts.  Talk about what the play is about with someone at home.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Homework: May 1

For Homework: Answer the following questions

1.) Who wrote F451?
2.) Who are the main characters?
3.) What is important about the book’s title?

Level 1 and 2: answer questions 1 and 2.
Level 3: answer all 3 questions in complete sentences.