
Thursday, July 30, 2015

Homework: July 30 and July 31

Hello Everyone!

I am so proud of you and the hard work you put in this week.  

Folks at home:  Please do not hesitate to call or text with any questions, comments, or concerns.  I am here to help!

For Homework: July 30

All Levels: 
Review the difference between memoir and biography.  

For Next week please review: Six Word Memoir

Level 1:  Define the following words

Give an example of ONE

Level 2: Define the following words

Counter Clockwise: 
Give an example of TWO

For Homework: July 31

All levels: Look at Six Word Memoir

Pick 3 that you like the best.  What do you like about them?

Level 1:  Answer the following questions.
Plot the following points:
A- (-2, 3)
B- (.4,3)
C- (-4, -1)
D- (-2, -1)

Translate the shape so that point A is now ( 1, 3).  

REMINDER: you must keep the shape in tact!

Level 2:  Answer the following questions.
Plot the following points:
A- (-2, 3)
B- (.4,3)
C- (-4, -1)
D- (-2, -1)

Reflect the shape over the Y-Axis

REMINDER:  When you reflect, you  must maintain the distance from the axis.

 Have a save weekend!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Homework: July 29

Hello Everyone!

Folks at home: Please does not hesitate to call or text me if you have any questions, comments, concerns.

For Homework:  All levels

At what point do you think Piri made the wrong decision?  What choice should he have made?  Why?

LEVEL 1: Answer questions 1-6, 13-15

LEVEL 2: Answer questions 7-12, 13-15

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Homework: July 28

Hello Everyone!

Just a reminder: Folks at home: if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or text me.

For Homework: 

What would happen to Piri if the police officer had died?

Have you ever had a time that could have gone a lot worse?  Explain.

LEVEL 1:  On a sheet of graph paper create a coordinate plane.  Please label the following parts:

1. 0 to 10 and 0 to (-10) on both the X and Y axis.
2.  Plot the following points:  A = -3, 1                         B =  8 ,-5                     C = 4, 9

LEVEL 2:  On a sheet of graph paper create a coordinate plane.  Please label the following parts:

1. Quadrants I-IV
2. 0 to 20 and 0 to (-20) on both the X a5nd Y axis.
3.  Plot the following points:  A = -13, 15                        B = 17 ,  -9                   C = 2 ,11

Monday, July 27, 2015

Homework: July 27

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to week 4 of Summer School!  I just wanted to say how proud I am of all of you and the hard work you have been putting in so far.

Folks at home:  Please feel free to text or call me if you have any questions or comments. 

Homework: All Groups

Fill out the chart below:  What is the difference between a want and a need?

Ask someone at home to fill out chart as well.  What are his/her needs and wants?

                                             WANTS:                                          NEEDS:

Level 1: answer the following questions

1.) What happened after Piri was shot?
2.) What happened to the police officer?
3.) What was the verdict?

Level 2:  answer the following questions

1.) How many years was Piri sentenced?  Why?
2.) How does Piri explain prision?
3.) Compare the pecking order of prison to a pecking order in your life.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Homrwork July 23 and July 24

Hello everyone!

I hope this finds you well.  

Below is your homework for Thursday, July 23 and Friday, July 24.


All Levels:

Why does Piri feel a need to make a name for himself?

If you could have a nick name, based on your skills, what nick name would you have?

Measure a room in your house.  You can use any form of measurement:  foot steps, hand prints, chairs.... 

Level 1: Tell me the following


Level 2:  Tell me the following



Today we are at the ARMORY.

During today's challenge, which question(s) did you find the most difficult?  Why?  How do you solve them?

Monday, July 20, 2015

Homework: July 20-22

Hello Everyone!

Happy third week of summer school!  Thank you for all of your hard work so far.

Folks at home:  Please feel free to call or text with any questions or concerns you have.  I am happy to help in anyway I can.

Below you will find your homework for July 20-22.

Today we reviewed Little Red Schoolhouse.  Use the text and our class discussions to answer the following questions.

All levels:

1.) Where does this chapter take place?

2.) What did Piri need to do?

3.) What did his Ms. Wellington do?  How did Piri respond?

Level 1:
What would you do if you were Piri?

Level 2:
If you were in a similar situation as Piri, what could you have done differently?

All Levels: Define the following terms

Complementary Pairs:
Supplementary Pairs:
Right Angle:
Acute Angle:
Obtuse Angle:

Level 1: Answer the following question.

Triangle ABC's angles have the following measurements: 54 Degrees, 32 Degrees, X.

Solve for X.

Hint: Remember what do all the angles in a triangle equal?

Level 2:  Answer the following question. 

A pair of intersecting lines has an angle measurement of 110 degrees.  Find the angle measurement of the other three angles. 


All levels: Answer the following questions.
Formula for Perimeter of a rectangle:
Formula for Area a square:

Level 1:  Answer EVEN questions
Level 2: Answer all questions.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Homework: July 16 and July 17

Hello everyone!

Below is the homework for Thursday, July 16 and Friday, July 17

 Level 1 and 2:

Where did Piri move in chapter 6?
 What happened between Piri and Waneko?

Level 3:

Did  Piri have to fight Waneko?  Why or why not?

All levels:  Solve for the missing angle

Friday: All groups:  Find the missing angle



Folks at home:  If you have any questions please in the comment section below.  I will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Homework: July 15

Today we discussed finding the missing angle measurement of a complimentary and supplementary angle pair.

For homework:
All levels answer the following questions:

1.) What happened to Piri?
2.) Who helped him?
3.) How has their relationship changed?

Level 1: What is the angle measurement of a:
Right Angle:
Acute Angle:
Obtuse Angle:

Level 2:  Find the missing angle of a right angle divided into two parts.

1.) One angle measures 47 degrees
2.) One angle measures 27 degrees
3.) One angle measures 19 degrees

Level 3: Find the missing angle of a straight line (angle measurement 180 degrees) divided into two parts.
1.) One angle measures 157 degrees
2.) One angle measures 7 degrees
3.) One angle measures 64 degrees

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Homework: July 14

Use the following formulas to find the area and perimeter of the following shapes.

P= L + W + L + W  (walking the line around the shape)
A= L x W (the space inside the shape)
Level 1: Solve the perimeter of shapes: i, ii, and iii

Level 2: Solve the perimeter of shapes i, ii, iii, iv and v

Level 3: Solve the perimeter of shapes i, ii, iii, iv and v. 
                 Find the area of shapes: i, ii, and iii

Monday, July 13, 2015

Homework: July 13

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

For Homework:

Level 1: 
Explain the relationship between Rocky and Piri.

Level 2:  
Explain the relationship between Rocky and Piri. How does the relationship between Rocky and Piri change after Big Mouth threw the asphalt into Piri's eyes?

 Level 3:
Explain the relationship between Rocky and Piri. How does the relationship between Rocky and Piri change after Big Mouth threw the asphalt into Piri's eyes?  How do you think Rocky will treat Piri from here on out?

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Homework: July 8-10

Good Morning Everyone!

good work completing our first week of Summer School!

All of you have been working so hard and I am very proud of you.

For Homework:


What does it mean to code switch?

Describe your neighborhood.  How does it compare to Piri's neighborhood? 


Have you ever experienced moving from one place to another?  Compare your experience to Piri's experience.

Draw an example of the following:

A Point
A Line Sement
A Line
An Angle


Talk about your experience at 69th Armory.  What went well?  What do we need to work on?  What would skills would you like to learn?

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Homework: July 7

Hello Everyone!

Thank you for a wonderful first day!  It was really great to see you all.

For Homework:  Today we created a thought web about identity.   Tonight, ask someone at home to create a thought web about their own identity.

Have a discussion on the following ideas:

1.) What complication have come up because of the way you identify?
2.) Has anyone put an identity on you that you did not feel was fitting?

Monday, July 6, 2015

Homework: July 6

Welcome back everyone!

I hope you all had a restful and safe break!  I look forward to working with you this summer.

For Homework: Answer the following questions

1.) What is your role at Baruch?
2.) What professional responsibilities do you have?
3.) What expectations do you have for YOURSELF this summer?
4.) What goals would you like to achieve this summer?