
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Homework: September 30

Last day of Part-Time Indian

Today we read page 203-206.  In this section of the text we find out that Arnold’s sister died in a fire.  The fire was alcohol related.

All Levels: 

Arnold has had the support of his friends and family during this difficult time in his life.

At school and on the reservation there seems to be “unwritten rules” about how to help a friend who is hurting.

Write a list of rules for helping a friend in need. 
What are the dos and don’ts?
How do you want others to help you when you are feeling upset?

Folks at home sign: ________________________________________________

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Homework: September 29

Today we read chapter Valentine Heart (pages 169-178).

All Levels: 

What happened to Eugene?

Level 1:
1. What did Arnold’s friends do to defend Arnold in class?

2. Have you ever stood up for someone else?  Why or why not?

Level 2:
1. What did Arnold’s friends do to defend Arnold in class?

2. How is Arnold feeling on his first day back at school?

3. Have you ever stood up for someone else?  Why or why not?

Level 3:
1. What did Arnold’s friends do to defend Arnold in class?

2. Why?

3. How is Arnold feeling on his first day back at school?

4. Have you ever stood up for someone else?  Why or why not?

Folks at home sign: ________________________________________________

Monday, September 28, 2015

Homework: September 28


Today we read pages 158-161.  In this section Arnold finds out that a drunk driver had killed his Grandmother.  Arnold throughout the book has mentioned the harm and hurt that is caused by drinking on the reservation.

For Homework: All Levels

Using what we have talked about in class, what you have learned in health/gym class, and conversations with people at home create a saying against teenage drinking.

Please be sure to include:
1.)   A message
2.)  A fact
3.)  An image

Folks at home sign: __________________________________

Monday, September 21, 2015

Homework: September 21-25

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend!  

Below you will find your homework for the week.  Please have someone at home sign the homework.

Pages read in class: 64-66
Pages read in class: 126-129
Pages read in class: 139-141
All Levels:
Who are you?  List 5 TRUE things about you.

Level 1:
1.)   What happened between Rodger and Arnold?

Level 2:
1.)   1.)What happened between Rodger and Arnold?
2.)  How did this event change their relationship?

Level 3:
1.)   1.) What happened between Rodger and Arnold?
2.)  How did this event change their relationship?
3.)  Make a prediction: What do you think will happen between Rodger and Arnold?

Folks at home sign:
All Levels:
What is something about you many people don’t know?

Level 1:
1.) What did Rodger do for Arnold?

Level 2:
1.)   What did Rodger do for Arnold?
2.)  Why?

Level 3:
1.)   What did Rodger do for Arnold?
2.)  Why?
3.)  Was your prediction correct?

Folks at home sign:
All Levels:
What is something that you are good at?

Level 1:
1.)Do you think Arnold will make the basketball team? 
2.) Why?

Level 2:
1.)Do you think Arnold will make the basketball team? 
2.) Why?
3.) How has Rodger and Arnold’s relationship changed?

Level 3:
1.) Do you think Arnold will make the basketball team? 
2.) Why?
3.) How has Rodger and Arnold’s relationship changed?
4.) How will this affect Arnold’s relationship with Rowdy?

Folks at home sign:

Friday, September 18, 2015

Homework: September 18

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all are having a wonderful day!

For Homework: ALL LEVELS

Today we focused on gathering seeds and using those seeds to spark a piece of writing.  

Yesterday we read about Arnold telling Rowdy that he was transferring to Reardan.  Rowdy became upset and punched Arnold.

Today we used that section as inspiration for our seed gathering. 

Tonight (or this weekend) sit down with someone at home and work on the seeds we gathered in class today.  Ask someone as home about the times they have wanted to "boil" and how did they calm themselves down.  

Folks at home sign: _______________________________________________________

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Homework: September 17

Hello Everyone!!

For Homework:

All Levels:  Provide definitions for the following words

1.) Vulnerable
2.) Persevere

Level 1:  
In what ways do you persevere?

Level 2: 
In what ways does Arnold persevere in the beginning of Part-Time Indian?

Level 3: 
How does Arnold show perseverance after telling Rowdy he is going to Reardan?

Folks at home sign: _____________________________________________

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Homework: September 16

Welcome back everyone from the long weekend!!

For Homework:

Level 1:  
1.) What does it mean to be VULNERABLE?
2.) Tell about a time Arnold was VULNERABLE?

Level 2: 
1.) What does it mean to be VULNERABLE?
2.) Tell about a time Arnold was VULNERABLE?
3.) Tell about a time you were feeling VULNERABLE?

Level 3:
1.) What does it mean to be VULNERABLE?
2.) Tell about a time Arnold was VULNERABLE?
3.) Tell about a time you were feeling VULNERABLE?
4.) Ask some one at home what is means to be VULNERABLE.  Have they ever felt vulnerable?

Folks at home sign: ____________________________________________

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Homework: September 10 and 11

Hello everyone!  

Great job this week!  I am beyond lucky to be working with all of you this year!

This week we are focusing on EVENTS and PLOT.  We are looking at how sequence of events can turn into a plot when there is a CAUSE.

Event 1 + Event 2+ Cause for Event 2 = PLOT

Homework:  Reminder, Folks at home please sign all homework!


Level 1:  What are two things we can do to help identify plot?
1.) _____________________________________________
2.) _____________________________________________

Level 2: What are two things we can do to help identify plot?
1.) _____________________________________________
2.) _____________________________________________

Why is it important to think about how an event has affected the character? 

FOLKS AT HOME SIGN:________________________________

Level 1: Name two events from Part-Time and how they are related.  What is the CAUSE for event 2?

Level 2: Name two events from Part-Time and how they are related.  What is the CAUSE for event 2?  What is the common cause for many of the events we have read about so far?

FOLKS AT HOME SIGN:________________________________

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Homework: September 9

Good morning!

I am so happy and excited to be working with you all this school year!  Today we started to get to know each other and I look forward to working with you this year.

For Homework:

Level 1:  
1.) How was your first day of school? 


2.) What is your first impression of Junior?

Level 2:
1.) How was your first day of school? 

2.) What is your first impression of Junior?

3.) What is one thing about Junior you want to know more about?

Folks at home sign: _________________________________________