
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Homework: January 28

Hello Everyone!

Just a heads up:  Starting next week we will start a new schedule.

For Homework:  All Levels

As we finish up Night, I would like you to think about and answer the following questions.

1. What is something you are grateful for?
2. What is something your family members are proud of you for?
3. What is your goal for the next semester? (Levels 2 and 3: pick three goals)

Folks at home sign: __________________________________

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Homework: January 27

Hello Everyone!  

Today in class we read "The Butterfly" by Pavel Friedmann in 1942.

For homework:  All levels.  

Interview someone at home and ask them the following questions.  Write down the answers.

1. What is your first or most important memory?
2. What is your proudest memory?
3. What is a moment in your life you wish you could change (for better or worse)
4. What are your hopes and dreams for the future?

Monday, January 25, 2016

Homework: January 25

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all survived the storm! 

For Homework:  All Levels

1. What survival skills do you need to survive the cold?
2. What is hypothermia?  
3.  What are three things we can do to create heat?
(Think about Kity and what she had to do to stay warm)

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Homework: January 19

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful break. 

For Homework:  All Students

1.) Who is Martin Luther King Jr.?
2.) Why do we celebrate him?
3.) How are Elie Wiesel and MLK similar?  (think about what they both want for our society)

Parent Sign: _____________________________

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Homework:Jan 13

Hello everyone!!!

I hope you all had a great Wednesday and for those of you who went on the trip, I hope you had fun!

Today we watched part of a documentary about a women names Kity Hart who was 17 when she and her mother went to Auschwitz.

For Homework: All Levels

Talk to someone at home and together discuss the following questions.

1.) What happened to the people who were sent to concentration camps?  How were they treated?
2.) Why is it important for young people today to learn and discuss the Holocaust?
3.) What questions do you have about World War II and the Holocaust that you would like to discuss the next week?

Folks at home sign: _________________________________

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Homework: Jan. 12

Hello Everyone!

I hope everyone is having a great start to the week!

Today we took a virtual tour of a concentration camp in Poland.

For Homework: Read the section below and answer the following questions.

Level 1: 

“The night had passed completely.  The morning star shone in the sky.  I too had become a different person.  The student of Talmud, the child I was, had been consumed by the flames.  All that was left was a shape that resembled me.  My soul had been invaded- and devoured- by a black flame.  So many events had taken place in just a few hours that I had completely lost all notion of time.  When had we left our homes?  And the ghetto?  And the train?  Only a week ago?  One night?  One single night?
       How long had we been standing in the freezing wind?  One hour?  A Single hour?  Sixty minutes?
Surely it was a dream.”

1.) What do you think has made Elie feel like a different person? 
2.) Why does Elie compare his situation to a dream?
3.) Why does Elie refer to time?

Level 2:

“The night had passed completely.  The morning star shone in the sky.  I too had become a different person.  The child I was, had been consumed by the flames.  All that was left was a shape that resembled me.  My soul had been invaded- and devoured- by a black flame. When had we left our homes?  And the ghetto?  And the train?  Only a week ago?  One night?  One single night?
Surely it was a dream.”

1.) What do you think has made Elie feel like a different person? 
2.) Why does Elie compare his situation to a dream?
3.) Why does Elie refer to time?

Level 3:

“The night had passed completely. I too had become a different person.  The child I was, had been consumed by the flames.  All that was left was a shape that was me.” 

“My soul had been invaded by a black flame.

Surely it was a dream.”

1.) What do you think has made Elie feel like a different person? 
2.) Why does Elie compare his situation to a dream?

Monday, January 11, 2016

homework: January 11

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful and safe weekend.

For Homework:  All Levels

Elie Wiesel at the beginning of Night has a strong faith in God and in humanity.  As we go through Night, we see instances in which Elie looses his faith.

For Homework:  What should people do to maintain humanity?

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Homework: January 6

Hello Everyone!

For Homework: All Levels

Ask someone at home the following questions:

1.) What is something he/she is sure of (we talked about what this means in class)?
2.) What is their first memory?
3.) What is one thing  from their life they never want to forget?

Parent Sign: ________________________

Monday, January 4, 2016

Homework: January 4


This month we are reading Night by Elie Wiesel.  

For Homework:  Read the following section from an essay Wiesel wrote for NPR.

"I remember because I was there with my father. We worked together. We returned to the camp together. We stayed in the same block. We slept in the same box. We shared bread and soup.  With him, our past would die; with me, our future.

The moment the war ended, I believed — we all did — that anyone who survived death must bear witness." 

Level 1 and 2:  Why is it important for him and other survivors to bear witness to the Holocaust?

"I remember because I was there with my father. We worked together. We returned to the camp together. We stayed in the same block. We slept in the same box. We shared bread and soup.  With him, our past would die; with me, our future.

The moment the war ended, I believed — we all did — that anyone who survived death must bear witness. Some of us even believed that they survived in order to become witnesses. But then I knew deep down that it would be impossible to communicate the entire story."

Level 3: Why is it important for him and other survivors to bear witness to the Holocaust?
Why does he consider it impossible to communicate the entire story?

Parent sign: __________________________________________