
Monday, February 29, 2016

Homework: February 29


Today was the last day of Hiroshima.  Tomorrow we will begin Persepolis (see below for a quick summary).

For Homework: ALL LEVELS
The city of Persepolis (IRAN) was found over 2,000 years ago.  

If you could create your own city/village/town what would:
1. You name your town
2. The rules of your town be (pick three)
3.Who would live in your town
4. People do food and work

In addition to the above questions.
Level 2 and 3:  
5. What Freedoms would people in your town have?
6. Who would be the leader of your town?

In case you were wondering:
Based on Satrapi's graphic novel about her life in pre and post-revolutionary Iran and then in Europe. The book traces Satrapi's growth from child to rebellious, punk-loving teenager in Iran. In the background are the growing tensions of the political climate in Iran in the 70s and 80s, with members of her liberal-leaning family detained and then executed, and the background of the disastrous Iran/Iraq war.  There is a movie that goes along with this book.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Homework: Febuary 26

Hello Everyone and Happy Friday!

For Homework: All levels

Write a review for Hiroshima.  Please include the following details.

1. How many stars (0-5) would you give Hiroshima?
2. Give one detail you liked from the book.
3. Give one detail you would change from the book?

Level 2 and 3: Would you keep this book for next year?  why or why not?

Parent Sign: ___________________________________

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Homework: Feb 24

Good Morning Everyone!

Today we read about Mr. Tanimoto.  Mr. Tanimoto tried to help rescue those who were badly burned after the Hiroshima bombing.  Sadly, those he tried to save did not make it through the night.

We also talked about Emmett Till.

For Homework: All Levels

Everyday we face different challenges.  Talk with someone at home and answer the following questions.

1. What is something you want to get better at?
2.What is something you find difficult?
3. What is something you need help with?

Parent Sign: ____________________________

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Homework: Feb 23

Hello Everyone!  I hope you have had a great day!

For Homework: All Levels

Use the word bank to fill in the blank.


1. Offensive to the mind:________________________
2. The act of making a choice: ______________________
3. Having abnormal fear or hatred for the strange or foreign: ____________________
4. Full of anxiety or concern: ____________________________

Today we read about Mr. Tanimoto and how he helped those on the beach.

Interview someone at home and ask them the following questions:

1.What does it mean to help someone?
2. What do you do to help me?
3. How can I help you?
4. How can we help our communities?

Parent Sign: _____________________________

Monday, February 22, 2016

Hoemwork: Feb 22

Hello Everyone!  I hope you all had a wonderful break!

For Homework: All Levels

Vocabulary: Circle the correct answer.

1.  the act of making a choice
solicitous                       repugnant              volition                 xenophobic  
2.  having abnormal fear or hatred for the strange or foreign
solicitous                       repugnant              volition                 xenophobic  
3.  offensive to the mind
solicitous                       repugnant              volition                 xenophobic  
4.  full of anxiety or concern
solicitous                       repugnant              volition                 xenophobic   

Level 1: Use each word in a sentence.
Level 2: Use each word in a sentences and provide a real life example of each (the sentences can be the real life example...)
Level 3:  Use each word in a sentences and provide a real life example of each (the sentences can be the real life example...)
ALSO: Tell me three things about Nelson Mandela

Parent Sign: ___________________________________

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Homework: Feb 10

Good morning everyone!

For Homework:
Today we talked about doing things to help others who are in need.  With someone at home, discuss the following topics/questions.

All levels:

1. How does it feel to help someone else?
2. How does it feel to have someone help you?
3. Do we always want help?  Why or why not?
4. Do we always want to help someone else?  Why or why not?

Level 2 and 3:
What makes us help others?  Why?

folks at home sign: ___________________________________

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Homework: Feb. 9

Hello Everyone,

Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

For Homework:

All Levels:

Write the vocabulary word with the correct definition. 

__________________________= the act of making a choice
__________________________=having abnormal fear or hatred for the strange or  foreign
__________________________= offensive to the mind
__________________________=full of anxiety or concern

All Levels:  Interview someone at home and have them help you answer the following questions.

What are your responsibilities?  Do you have to help take care of anyone?

Parent Sign: _________________________

Friday, February 5, 2016

Homework: Feb. 5

Hello everyone!

I hope you are staying safe in this snowy weather!

For Homework:

Ironic- happening in the opposite way to what is expected.

In Hiroshima, Father Kleinsorge went outside while the air raid alarm went off, saw clear skies and was relieved to hear the all clear alarm go off.  Moments later the atomic bomb hit.

All levels:  Tell about a time something ironic that happened to you.

Folks at home sign: __________________________________

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Homework: Feb. 4

Today we talked about George Washington Carver and read about Ms. Nakimoto.

For Homework:

All levels

Ask someone at home:

If you could invent one thing, what would you invent and why?

Folks at home sign: ___________________________________

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Homework: Feb. 3

For Homework:

Foreshadowing: Using hints or clues to suggest an event will happen later in the story.

Explain how the section of text below is an example of foreshadowing.

"Under what seemed to be a local dust cloud, the day grew darker and darker."

Level 1:
What is foreshadowing?
What does this quote mean?
How is the quote an example of foreshadowing?

Level 2:
What is foreshadowing?
Is the quote an example of foreshadowing?  Why?

Level 3:
The quotes states that the day is getting darker and darker, which could mean the day is getting worse and worse.

How might the day be getting worse?

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Homework: Feb. 2

Happy Groundhogs Day!

For Homework:

Foreshadowing: Using hints or clues to suggest an event will happen later in the story.

Explain how the section of text below is an example of foreshadowing.

"A rumor was going around that the Americans were saving something special for the city." 

Level 1:
What is foreshadowing?
What does this quote mean?
How is the quote an example of foreshadowing?

Level 2:
What is foreshadowing?
Is the quote an example of foreshadowing?  Why?

Level 3:
What happened on August 6, 1945 in Hiroshima?
Does the quote say that this would happen?

Monday, February 1, 2016

Homework: Feb. 1

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful and safe weekend.

Today we started Hiroshima by John Hersey.

For Homework:

Level 1:  Define the following vocabulary words:

Atomic Bomb

Answer the following question:  Where is Hiroshima? 

Level 2: Use the following words correctly in a sentence (You may have to look up the definition if you can not remember them from class).

Atomic Bomb

Answer the following question: When did the U.S. bomb Hiroshima?

Level 3:  Use the following words correctly in a sentence (You may have to look up the definition if you can not remember them from class).

Atomic Bomb

Answer the following question:  Why did the U.S bomb Hiroshima?

Folks at home sign: ____________________________________