
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Homework: June 27 and 28

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for a wonderful year.  I hope you all have a fantastic summer and I look forward to working with many of you during summer School and SYEP.

 Homework: For those of you participating in SYEP  please review the power point  and complete the survey before returning to school on Tuesday, July 5th.

The links are below:



You will need help from someone at home to complete this homework assignment.

Folks at home sign: _______________________________________

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Homework: June 21-24

We are in our final week.  

I am so glad I got to work with you all this year.

This week we have been working on "How- To" books.

For homework:  Work with someone at home to create a "How-To" about something you know a lot about.  For example: How to shoot a basket, How to dive, How to make a friend and so on.

Level 1: Have at least 3 pages.
Level 2: Have at least 5 pages.
Level 3: Have at least 6 pages.

Each page needs to have a title, a picture/image, and caption.

Parent Sign: ________________________________

Monday, June 20, 2016

Homework: June 20

Good Day Everyone!  

We are entering our final full week of school!

For homework:


Post-Secondary Goals- Work with someone at home to answer the following questions.

Think about what you want to do when you finish school to answer the following questions.  

1. EDUCATION: What type of education or training do you want to have when you finish school?
2. EMPLOYMENT: What type of job would you like to have?
3. INDEPENDENT LIVING SKILLS: Where would you like to live?  With who? 

Folks at home: _______________________

Friday, June 17, 2016

Homework: June 17

Good Morning Everyone:

I hope you are all having a wonderful week.  As we approach the final days of June, I would like to take time to say thank you for everything.  I am grateful for all the time we have spent together and for everything each of you has taught me. 

For Homework:  All Levels- Work with someone at home to answer the following questions.

1.  What is an IEP?
2. What do people use IEPs for?
3. What is a personal goal you have for yourself for over the summer?

Level 2 and 3:
There are 7 more days of school
Make a list of 7 things you are grateful for.

Folks at home sign: _____________________________

Monday, June 13, 2016

Homework: June 13

Hello Everyone!

Today we talked about preferences.


Level 1:
1. What is a preference?
2. What food do you prefer to eat?
3. What activity do you prefer?

Level 2 and 3:
1. What is a preference?
2. How can a preference be helpful?
3. How can a preference be harmful?

Level 3 Only:
1. What are some of Christopher's preferences?

Folks at home sign: _______________________________

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Homework: June 8

Hello Everyone!

Today we talked about Christopher and his classmates (Chapters 71 and 73).  In these chapters, Christopher discusses the behavior problems he has and how he has worked through them.

For Homework:

Level 1:
1. What is something you do really well?
2. What is something you want to do better?

Level 2:
1. What is your best quality?
2. What is a quality you want to have?

Level 3:
1. How would others describe you (be honest)?
2. How would you describe yourself?
3. Do the two descriptions match?  Why or why not?

Monday, June 6, 2016

Homework: June 6

Good morning everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

This month we will be talking about relationships.

In class we read chapters 5, 29, and 31.

For Homework: 

Level 1:  
1. Why was Mrs. Shears upset?
2. Why did Christopher go to the police station?

Level 2: 
1. Why was Mrs. Shears upset with Christopher?
2. Why does Christopher find people confusing?

Level 3:
1. What is a metaphor?
2. Why are metaphors confusing to Christopher?

Folks at home sign please: _____________________

Friday, June 3, 2016

Homework: June 3

Happy Friday!!!

For homework: talk to someone at home about the following questions

1. What is a relationship?
2. Why are they important?

Level 1: 
3. How do you make friends?

Level 2: 
3. How are relationships ruined?
4. How are they repaired?

Leve 3:
3. What is the most important relationship in your life? Why?
4. How do we improve the relationships we have?

Folks at home sign:______________________