
Monday, October 31, 2016

Homework: November 1

Good morning everyone!

RABBIT RABBIT!  (There is a joke that if the first thing you say on the first day of the month is "Rabbit Rabbit!" you will have good luck for the rest of the month)

Today we started The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton.   Please click the link for an online version of the text.  Also, click here for a video version of the book as well.

As we start reading The Outsiders it is important to think about when this story takes place.  What was important to teenagers during this time?  What was cool?  What did it mean to be a family?  What role does your reputation play in who you are?  These are questions we are going to discuss over the month of November.  Talk with your friends and family about these ideas too!

For Homework: Discuss the following questions with someone at home.
The Outsiders is a story about family, friendship and belonging.

Level 1: 
1. Name 2 groups you belong to.
2. One true thing about your family?
3. Two words that describe you as a friend.
Level 2:
1. Name three groups you belong to.
2. What is one true thing about your family?
3. What is one true thing about you as a friend?

Level 3:
1. Name five groups you belong to.
2. What are two things that are true about your family?
3. What are two things that are true about you as a friend?

Folks at home sign:_______________________

Reminder:  Please spend at least 20 minutes on IXL a night.  Thank you!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Homework: October 31

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!  Today was the last day for Of Mice and Men.  Tomorrow we start The Outsiders.

For Homework: Answer the following questions about Of Mice and Men.  

Level 1: Answer 7 questions

Level 2: Answer 10 questions

Level 3: Answer 12 questions

1.     Who wrote Of Mice and Men?

2.    Who are the Main Characters in OMM?

3.    Where does OMM take place?

4.    How much time has passed in OMM?

5.    What does Lennie like?

6.    One difference between the two main characters:

7.    One similarity:

8.    Give one example of a noun:

9.    Give one example of a verb:

10.  Give one example of an adjective:

11.   How does OMM end?

12.  Look on page 53.  What is the first word?

13.  What is the name of Curly’s Wife?

14.  What is the relationship between the two main characters?

15.  Give one main idea from OMM:

Folks at home sign:____________________________________

Reminder:  Please complete 20 minutes of IXL.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Homework: October 28

Hello Everyone!

Today we reviewed our lessons from this week!

Each person deserves a random act of kindness.  This week we talked about qualities we look for in a friend.  

For Homework: Do something nice for others.

Level 1: Do ONE nice thing for someone else.  Write down who you did the nice thing for and what you did.

Level 2: Do TWO nice things for someone else.  Write down who you did the nice thing for and what you did.

Level 3: Do THREE nice things for someone else.  Write down who you did the nice thing for and what you did.

Folks at home sign: ______________________

Remember: Complete 20 minutes of IXL in ELA.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Homework: October 27

Hello Everyone!

Today we continued to talk about qualities we look for in a friend.  In class, I asked you to nominate someone who makes you feel welcomed and comfortable at school!  I loved hearing your suggestions!

For Homework:  Work with someone at home to answer the following questions.

Level 1:  
Who is one person, real or fictional, that you wish you could meet in real life?  Please give two reason why you picked this person. 

Ask someone at home the same question.  Write down what they say.

Level 2: 
Who is one person, real or fictional, that you wish you could meet in real life?  Please give three reason why you picked this person. 

Ask someone at home the same question.  What qualities do your selections have in common?

Level 3:Who is one person, real or fictional, that you wish you could meet in real life?  Please give three reason why you picked this person. 

Ask someone at home the same question.  Compare and Contrast your answers.  How are your selections the same?  How are they different?  What qualities are important to you and the other person? 

Folks at home sign: ____________________ 

REMINDER: Please complete 20 minutes of IXL in ELA.  Thank You!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Homework: October 26

Hello Everyone!

Today we discussed personality traits.  We talked about various things we look for in our friends and what kind of friend we want to be.

For Homework: Work with someone at home to answer the following questions.

Level 1: 
1. What are three words that best describe you?
2.  What are three words that best describe your family?
3. What are three words that best describe Lennie?  George? 

Level 2:
1. What is friendship?
2. Why is friendship important?
3. Compare the relationship of Arnold and Junior (Part-Time) and George and Lennie (Of Mice and Men)

Level 3:
1. Why is companionship important?
2. Think of the companion pairs of three characters (movie or book).  Ex:  Sponge Bob and Patrick
3.  How can a companion cause more harm than good?

Folks at home sign: ___________________________

Reminder:  Complete 20 minutes of IXL in ELA each night.

Homework: October 25

Hello Everyone!

Today we reviewed the ending of Of Mice and Men.  We talked about how George was feeling about losing his best friend and whether or not his actions could be considered selfish.

For Homework:  Work with someone at home to answer the following questions

Level 1:  
1. What does it mean to be selfish?
2. When is it okay to be selfish?
3. When is is not okay to be selfish?

Level 2:
1. What does it mean to be selfish?
2. Why might George's actions be considered selfish? 
3.  When have you been selfish?

Level 3:
1. Is being selfish a bad thing?  Why or why not?
2. Why might someone suggest Lennie was selfish?
3. When is it okay to be selfish?

Folks at home sign: ____________________

REMINDER: Please complete 20 minutes of IXL in either Math or ELA daily!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Homework: October 24

Hello Everyone!

Today we are creating our own stories.  We have been reading Of Mice and Men and Deep Survival.  In each story, the authors use descriptive language to create an image in our minds as we read.  they also use this descriptive language to add an element of suspense. 

For Homework:  Work with someone at home to answer the following questions.

Level 1:  What are three things you are most scared of?  Pick one to explain your thinking.

Level 2:  What is the scariest thing that has happened to you?  Explain in at least three sentences.

Level 3:  What are you most afraid of as you grow up?  How does this compare to the fears you had when you were younger?

REMINDER:  Complete 20 of IXL each night (in ELA or Math)

Folks at home sign: ___________________________

Monday, October 17, 2016

Homework: Week of October 17-21

Ms. Tuck       Week of October 17-21

-Parents sign each night’s homework.
-Complete 20 minutes of IXL each night

How to pick a level:

Start at level 3, if you are unsure what to do or how to complete the assignment, move to level 2 and so on (or ask me and I will let you know!).

Below is the homework for the week.  You can either turn in each assignment daily, or at the end of each week.

Monday- Vocabulary work

Level 1:  Define the following words (you make use Google to help you find the answer)   CONTEMPLATE     DIGNITY      RESTLESS
Level 2: Define the following words (you make use Google to help you find the answer)   CONTEMPLATE   DIGNITY   RESTLESS  ANGUISH   PRECEDE
Level 3: Use the following words correctly in sentences.
Folks at home sign: ________________ 

Tuesday-TTQR, Use the question to answer in a complete sentence.

Level 1:
1.     Where did George and Lennie work?
2.     What did George and Lennie want to buy?
Level  2:
1.     Between George and Lennie, who is taller?
2.     Would Lennie like a new, soft puppy?
Level 3:
1.     Why did Lennie keep a dead mouse in his pocket?
2.     How many jobs did George and Lennie work together?
Folks at home sign: _______________

Wednesday- Wish for Wednesday

Level 1:  Pretend you are one character from Of Mice and Men.  What are three wishes your character would ask for?
Level 2:  Pretend you are one character from Of Mice and Men.  What is one goal of your character and two wishes your character would ask for?
Level 3:Pretend you are a character from Of Mice and Men.  What aspirations does your character have?  What are their dreams for the future?
Folks at home sign: ________________ 

Thursday-Turn and Talk

Discuss the following questions with someone at home.
Level 1: Two questions
Level 2: Three questions
Level 3: Five questions
1.What do you want to be when you grow up?
2. If you could live anywhere in the world where would you live?  Why?
3. What is your favorite animal?
4.Who are two of your favorite people? Why?
5. If you could have one wish come true, what would you wish for?
Folks at home sign: _______________

Friday-Self plan!

Level 1- one sentence for each point
Level 2- two sentences for each point
Level 3- three sentence for each point
What goals will you meet at each point? Create a plan for: tomorrow, next week, next month,  and next year.  
Folks at home sign: ________________


Friday, October 14, 2016

Homework: October 14

Good morning everyone!

Folks at home: please sign at the bottom of the homework AND please work your child to complete this assignment.

What level should I complete?  If you are unsure what level to complete start with level 3 and move up if it seems too difficult. 

 In class today we played a review game.  We worked in small groups to answer review questions from not only ELA, but Math, CTE, S.S., Science, Health, and Art.

For homework: Last night I asked you to pretend you were a movie director filming a new movie.  This weekend, create a story board (similar to the projects you have worked on with Mr. Padilla) of your movie.

Level 1:
1.  Create a story board of at least 3 panels.  Show the viewer what they can expect to see and hear.

Level 2:
1.  Create a story board of at least 4 panels.  Show the viewer what they can expect to see and hear.
2.Include scenery so the viewer knows where the movie takes place.

Level 3:
1.  Create a story board of at least 5 panels.  Show the viewer what they can expect to see and hear.
2. Include scenery so the viewer knows where the movie takes place. 
3.Include at least one piece of dialogue between the characters from your movie.

Reminder: please work on IXL for at least 20 minutes (either in ELA or Math).

Folks at home sign:_______________________________

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Homework: October 13

Good morning everyone!

Folks at home: please sign at the bottom of the homework AND please work your child to complete this assignment.

What level should I complete?  If you are unsure what level to complete start with level 3 and move up if it seems too difficult. 

 In class today we borrowed sentences from Deep Survival and Of Mice and Men. We changed the information from the sentences to our own to create our own stories.  We also discussed how John Steinbeck wrote Of Mice and Men as if it could be a play. 

For homework: pretend you are creating a new movie. You get to pick the style and plot of this movie. 

Level 1:
1.  What is the name of your movie?
2.  What is your movie about (one to two sentence  summary)

Level 2:
1. What is the name of your movie?
2. Please give a three sentence plot summary for your movie.
3. Which actors would play the main characters?

Level 3:

1. What is the name of your movie?
2. Please give a five sentence plot summary for your movie.
3. Which actors would play the main characters?
4. Draw a sketch of the set for one of the scenes from the movie.

Reminder: please work on IXL for at least 20 minutes (either in ELA or Math).

Folks at home sign:_______________________________

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Homework: October 11

Hello Everyone!  Welcome Back!

For Homework:  Today we worked on using sentence structure from authors we are reading to create our own sentence.  We practiced with the sentences below in class.  Complete each sentence with new words to create a different story.

Level 1:
Create new sentences using the sentence structure provided.

1. They walked ___________________, Both were ______________________ and _________________________.

2. _________________ who had been watching, imitated ________________exactly.  He looked over to ______________________ to see whether s/he had it just right.

3. "I was only foolin', ___________________. I don't want no _____________. I wouldn't _____________________ if it was right here beside me.”

Level 2:Create new sentences using the sentence structure provided.

1. They had walked ___________________, Both were ______________________ and _________________________.

2. _________________ who had been watching, imitated ________________exactly. He _________________________, looked over to ______________________ to see whether s/he had it just right.

3."I was only foolin', ___________________. I don't want no _____________. I wouldn't ________________ __________________ if it was right here beside me.”

"If it was here, you could have some.”

Level 3:A create new sentences using the sentence structure provided.

1. They had walked ___________________, and even in the open _______________________________________. Both were ______________________ and _________________________. Both wore _____________________________.

 2. _________________ who had been watching, imitated ________________exactly. He _________________________, looked over to ______________________ to see whether s/he had it just right.

3. "I was only foolin', ___________________. I don't want no _____________. I wouldn't ________________ __________________ if it was right here beside me.”

"If it was here, you could have some.”
"But I wouldn't ____________ none, ________________ I'd leave it all for you. You could ____________________ with it and I wouldn't touch none of it." 

Folks at home sign please: ____________________

Remember: 10 minutes of IXL, math or ELA.