
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Tuesday: October 31

Hello everyone!

We finished Of Mice and Men today!!

Words have power.  Big or small.

All Levels:  What part of Of Mice and Men had the biggest impact on you?
Talk with a family member and share your thinking.

Level 2 and 3: Use evidence from the text to support your thinking.

Folks at home please sign: ____________________

Monday, October 30, 2017

Monday: October 30

Hello All,

Today we worked on using adjectives and adverbs to make our writing more interesting.

We also discussed the altercation (fight) between Lennie and Curely's wife.

Level 1: 

Write two sentences about you do after school today.  
Circle the nouns
Underline the verbs

Level 2:

Write two sentences about you do after school today.  
Add one adjective to each sentence. Star the adjective.
Circle the nouns
Underline the verbs

Level 3:

Write two sentences about you do after school today.  
Add one adjective to each sentence. Star the adjective.
Add one adverb to ONE of the sentences. Box the adverb.
Circle the nouns
Underline the verbs

Folks at home please sign:_____________

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Thursday: October 26

Hello Everyone! 

Today we watched Mysoon Zayid as woman with CP. 

All Levels: Work with someone at home to answer the following questions.  Ask someone at home to answer the questions as well.

1. What are some things Lennie has a hard time with?
2. What are some things George has a hard time with?

3. What are some things you have a hard time with while at home?

4. What are some things you have a hard time with while at school?
5. What are some things you have a hard time with while with friends?

Folks at home please sign: ___________________

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Wednesday: October 25

Hello Everyone!

Today we compared various movies/tv shows that represent people with disabilities.

Level 1:
What does it mean to have a disability?

Level 2:
What does it mean to have a disability?
How are people with disabilities represented in media?

Level 3:
What does it mean to have a disability?
How are people with disabilities represented in media?
How would you change how people are represented in media?

Those of you who went on the trip:
Please complete a 5W chart for the play we saw.

Folks at home please sign: __________________________

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Tuesday: October 24

 Hello everyone! 
This week we are focusing on people in the media.

Vocabulary Words to Know: complacently, reassure, abruptly, promptly

with little or no delay; immediately.

say or do something to remove the doubts and fears of someone.

pleasant, pleased

suddenly and unexpectedly, rude

Level 1:
Name one book, movie, or tv show you like.
Who is the role model in that show?

Level 2:
Name one book, movie, or tv show you like.
Who is the role model in that show?
Who could be considered the villian?

Level 3:
Name one book, movie, or tv show you like.
Who is the role model in that show? Why?
Who could be considered the villian?  Why?

Folks at home please sign: _____________ 

Monday, October 23, 2017

Monday:October 23

Hello everyone!

Happy happy Monday!

Today we discussed role models.

Level 1
What is a role model
Name one quality of a role model.
Name one role model in your life.

Level 2
What is a role model?
Name one quality of a role model.
Name one role model from a book we have read.

Level 3
What is a role model?
Name one quality of a role model.
Name one role model from a book we have read.
What qualities make this person a role model?

Folks at home please sign!

Monday, October 9, 2017

Homework: Week of October 10

Hello All!

Below is your homework for the week.  Pace yourself. Please have someone from home sign each night.  Also, please complete 15 minutes of IXL daily.

Thank you!

Monday, October 2, 2017

Homework: October 2nd to October 6th

Hello Everyone!

This month we will be reading Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck.

Please use the following link for this weeks homework.

Homework for the whole week is posted.  Please have someone at home sign after each assignment.

Please complete 15 minutes IXL daily.

Thank you and have a great week!