
Monday, November 25, 2013

Nov. 25

Today We talked about Self-Efficacy and Self-fulfilling prophecy.   
FOR HOMEWORK: Please complete the graphic organizer for homework.

Self-efficacy: the belief that one has control over one’s own life
Self-fulfilling prophecy: is a prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true
Today you are going to set goals for yourself.  Taking part and having control of your life is called SELF-EFFICACY.
Below is a graphic organizer.  Fill out the graphic organizer with the information needed.

One Day: At the end of the day I will…
One Week: At the end of this week I will…
One Month: At the end of this month I will…
One Year: At the end of this year I will…
To meet this goal, I will need the support of…
To meet this goal, I will need the support of…
To meet this goal, I will need the support of…
To meet this goal, I will need the support of…
These are the skills I need to meet this goal…
These are the skills I need to meet this goal…
These are the skills I need to meet this goal…
These are the skills I need to meet this goal…
Here is my plan to meet this goal…
Here is my plan to meet this goal…
Here is my plan to meet this goal…
Here is my plan to meet this goal…

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