
Monday, December 2, 2013


Hello Everyone,

We have started To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee.  As promised here is a link to an online version to the text in case you did not bring your book home. 


I do suggest you read the chapters we have gone over in class.  Read with a friend or family member.

Also, here is a link to a video summary of the book. 

Here is an audio version of some chapters in the book (I will post a better version later in the week).

For homework:

Please complete your sketch of Scout's neighborhood.  (Reminder: You are completing the sketch based on the image you created in your head while reading sections of chapter one).

Folks at home: We are reading To Kill A Mockingbird.  In my class, we will be covering ten chapters per week.  Today we started with chapter one and tomorrow we will cover chapter two and three.  Above is a link to an online version of the book.  Please feel free to read with your kids and ask them questions based on the chapters covered in class.  They have many great ideas and things to say.

Any questions comment below.

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday break,
Ms. Tuck

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