
Monday, May 12, 2014

Homework: May 12-16

Hello everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed the time with your family. 

Below is your homework for the week.  

Reminder:  You may submit your homework in the comment section below OR you may hand in your work at the start of class.

Monday:  Use the correct form of To, Too, Two

1.) I have _____________ brothers and one sister.

2.)  I have ____________ go to class on time today.

3.) Does she want to go to class _______________?

4.) Can I please have _______________ papers?

5.) I went ___________________ the mall last night.

Tuesday: Answer the following questions.
There, their, and they're.  Explain the meaning of each of the words.  Use each one in a sentence correctly.

Wednesday:  Use the correct form of There, Their, They're

1.) __________________ best friend.

2.) Please put the books over _________________________.

3.) Did you go over to __________________ house?

4.) Please give ________________ dog a bath.

5.) After school, ______________________ going to the movies.

Thursday: Read the quote below.  Answer the questions that follow. 

"We have everything we need to be happy, but we aren't happy. Something's missing. I looked around. The only thing I positively knew was gone was the books I'd burned in ten or twelve years. So I thought books might help."

1.) What are some things Guy has that are "supposed" to make him happy?
2.) Why does Guy think that books might help his unhappiness?

Today we watched a Ted talk by Malcom Gladwell- Spaghetti Sauce

Listen to the NPR podcast 
1.)What does it mean to be happy?
2.) What does Malcom say makes people happy?
3.) Do you agree with his theory?

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