
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Homework: Feb 11-13

February 11
February 12
February 13
Text: Night by Elie Wiesel

This week we are focusing on connecting the experiences of Elie to our own life experiences.

For Homework:

Tell about a time you were brave.  What gave you the courage?

Level 1: 2sentences
Level 2: 3 sentences
Level 3: 5 sentences
Text: Night by Elie Wiesel

This week we are focusing on connecting the experiences of Elie to our own life experiences.

For Homework:

As we go through life we make many different choices.  What is a choice you made that was a good choice?

Level 1: 2sentences
Level 2: 3 sentences
Level 3: 5 sentences
Text: Night by Elie Wiesel

This week we are focusing on connecting the experiences of Elie to our own life experiences.

For Homework:

Inmates of Auschwitz were branded with a tattoo.  Elie became A-7713.  Why do you think they were given a tattoo?

Level 1: 2sentences
Level 2: 3 sentences
Level 3: 5 sentences


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