
Monday, November 9, 2015

Homework: Nov. 9-13

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

Here is your homework for the week.  Please be sure to have a parent sign your work!

Monday:  P/T Conferences (5:30-8:00)

For Homework: Today we talked about the differences between groups and what actions we can take to make groups work together.

Level 1: What are two groups of people you think should work together?  Why?

Level 2: What are two groups of people you think would benefit from each other and why?

Level 3: What two groups of people would change out society as a whole if they worked together?

Tuesday: P/T Conferences (12:30-2:50)
 For Homework: Today we discussed the actions of our characters and whether or not we agree with what they do.

Level 1: What does it mean to be LOYAL?  Give one example. 

Level 2:  What does it mean to be LOYAL?  Should Ponyboy be loyal to Johnny?  Why or why not?

Level 3: Would you consider yourself to be a loyal person?  At what point does your loyalty fade away?  At what point should Ponyboy leave johnny (if ever)?

Wednesday:  No School

For Homework: Today we discussed how point of view changes our understanding of a story.

Level 1: What is Point of View?  What is the POV of The Outsiders?
Level 2: What is Point of View?  How does the narrator’s POV affect you as the reader?
Level 3: What is Point of View?  Which POV do you think if the most effective?  How would The Outsiders change if they POV were different?  Explain your thinking and provide evidence from the text.

 For Homework: All Levels- Explain Ponyboy and Johnny’s relationship.  Do you have someone you can count one like they have each other?  Explain your thinking and provide evidence from the text.

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