
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Homework: Jan. 12

Hello Everyone!

I hope everyone is having a great start to the week!

Today we took a virtual tour of a concentration camp in Poland.

For Homework: Read the section below and answer the following questions.

Level 1: 

“The night had passed completely.  The morning star shone in the sky.  I too had become a different person.  The student of Talmud, the child I was, had been consumed by the flames.  All that was left was a shape that resembled me.  My soul had been invaded- and devoured- by a black flame.  So many events had taken place in just a few hours that I had completely lost all notion of time.  When had we left our homes?  And the ghetto?  And the train?  Only a week ago?  One night?  One single night?
       How long had we been standing in the freezing wind?  One hour?  A Single hour?  Sixty minutes?
Surely it was a dream.”

1.) What do you think has made Elie feel like a different person? 
2.) Why does Elie compare his situation to a dream?
3.) Why does Elie refer to time?

Level 2:

“The night had passed completely.  The morning star shone in the sky.  I too had become a different person.  The child I was, had been consumed by the flames.  All that was left was a shape that resembled me.  My soul had been invaded- and devoured- by a black flame. When had we left our homes?  And the ghetto?  And the train?  Only a week ago?  One night?  One single night?
Surely it was a dream.”

1.) What do you think has made Elie feel like a different person? 
2.) Why does Elie compare his situation to a dream?
3.) Why does Elie refer to time?

Level 3:

“The night had passed completely. I too had become a different person.  The child I was, had been consumed by the flames.  All that was left was a shape that was me.” 

“My soul had been invaded by a black flame.

Surely it was a dream.”

1.) What do you think has made Elie feel like a different person? 
2.) Why does Elie compare his situation to a dream?

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