
Monday, July 18, 2016

Summer School 2016 Week Three

Hello Everyone!  
I hope you are all staying cool in this heat.

SYEP is off to a great start and I so proud of all the hard work each of you are putting in.

For Homework:  Your goal is to write everyday for ten minutes without interruption.  Each day will be a new topic.  If you feel like you can not write anymore and there is still time left, re-read what you have written.  Read it aloud and see if there is information that is missing.  Add details and play with the story's order. 

Level 1: Try to aim for at least 3 sentences.  Add one detail to each sentence.

Level 2: Aim for at least 6 sentences.  Add one detail to each sentence and combine two of the 6 sentences together to create a complex sentence.

Level 3:  Write at least 8-9 sentences.  Add one detail to each sentences.  Combine two of 8 together to create a complex sentence.  Rearrange another sentence to create varied sentence structure.

**We will review these techniques in class.  Try your best and bring in your writing so we can workshop your work.

 This week's theme is love/hate.

Throughout Romeo and Juliet and West Side Story, there are moments in which the main characters must choose to love or to hate their partners. 

This week we will focus on the power of love and hate, as well as the relationships that are created through these emotions.

Monday: Define the word HATE.  Give one example from your life that best explains what that word means.

Tuesday: Tell about a time you felt included in a group or you included someone else into your group.

Wednesday: Tell about a time you were excluded from something OR tell about a time you excluded someone.

Thursday: Tell about a time you loved and hated someone at the same time.

Friday: Tell about a time you felt hated. 

Folks at home sign please: ___________________________

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