
Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Homework: September 22

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to Thankful Thursday!  Today I asked you to write down one thing you are thankful for.  Take time today to ask someone from home (family or friend) what they are thankful for.

For Homework:
This week we have been working at comparing two texts.  We have been making connections based on similarities, either in plot, character, or ending. 

Level 1:  Compare two people in your life you are important to you.  How are they similar (try to go beyond how they look.)

Level 2:  Compare your present self to you future self.  What qualities are going to remain the same and which are you going to perfect for the future?

Level 3:  Compare to moments of your life that have impacted who you are today.  How are those situations similar?  How did they mold you into who you are?

Folks at home sign please:____________________________

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