
Monday, October 17, 2016

Homework: Week of October 17-21

Ms. Tuck       Week of October 17-21

-Parents sign each night’s homework.
-Complete 20 minutes of IXL each night

How to pick a level:

Start at level 3, if you are unsure what to do or how to complete the assignment, move to level 2 and so on (or ask me and I will let you know!).

Below is the homework for the week.  You can either turn in each assignment daily, or at the end of each week.

Monday- Vocabulary work

Level 1:  Define the following words (you make use Google to help you find the answer)   CONTEMPLATE     DIGNITY      RESTLESS
Level 2: Define the following words (you make use Google to help you find the answer)   CONTEMPLATE   DIGNITY   RESTLESS  ANGUISH   PRECEDE
Level 3: Use the following words correctly in sentences.
Folks at home sign: ________________ 

Tuesday-TTQR, Use the question to answer in a complete sentence.

Level 1:
1.     Where did George and Lennie work?
2.     What did George and Lennie want to buy?
Level  2:
1.     Between George and Lennie, who is taller?
2.     Would Lennie like a new, soft puppy?
Level 3:
1.     Why did Lennie keep a dead mouse in his pocket?
2.     How many jobs did George and Lennie work together?
Folks at home sign: _______________

Wednesday- Wish for Wednesday

Level 1:  Pretend you are one character from Of Mice and Men.  What are three wishes your character would ask for?
Level 2:  Pretend you are one character from Of Mice and Men.  What is one goal of your character and two wishes your character would ask for?
Level 3:Pretend you are a character from Of Mice and Men.  What aspirations does your character have?  What are their dreams for the future?
Folks at home sign: ________________ 

Thursday-Turn and Talk

Discuss the following questions with someone at home.
Level 1: Two questions
Level 2: Three questions
Level 3: Five questions
1.What do you want to be when you grow up?
2. If you could live anywhere in the world where would you live?  Why?
3. What is your favorite animal?
4.Who are two of your favorite people? Why?
5. If you could have one wish come true, what would you wish for?
Folks at home sign: _______________

Friday-Self plan!

Level 1- one sentence for each point
Level 2- two sentences for each point
Level 3- three sentence for each point
What goals will you meet at each point? Create a plan for: tomorrow, next week, next month,  and next year.  
Folks at home sign: ________________



  1. Hi, Ms Tuck. For Friday's homework, we don't know what "point" refers to. Can you clarify?

  2. Yes, my mistake! When I uploaded the sheet, it didn't transfer the question!

    The prompt is: Plan for your future. What goals do you want to accomplish- in one week? One year? Five years?

    Thank you so much for commenting and I apologize for the confusion.
