
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Homework: November 30

Good Morning Everyone,

As we finish the final day of November, I would like to reflect on The Outsiders for homework.

For Homework:  Write a review for The Outsiders.  Be sure to include:

Level 1:
Your rating 1-5 stars
You overall thoughts on the book, what did you like, what would you change?

Level 2:
Your rating 1-5 stars
You overall thoughts on the book, what did you like, what would you change?
What character do you relate to the most and why?

Level 3:
Your rating 1-5 stars
You overall thoughts on the book, what did you like, what would you change?
What character do you relate to the most and why?
 Would you recommend this book to a friend or family member, why or why not?

Folks at home sign: ________________________

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Homework: November 29

Hello Everyone!

Today we worked on 6 word memoirs.  A 6 word memoir is a short story about you that is exactly 6 words long. 

Image result for 6 word memoirs

For Homework:  Create a 6 word memoir.  Challenge someone at home to create their own 6 word memoir!

Level 1:  Please create two 6 word memoirs.  One about you and one about a character from The Outsiders.

Level 2: Please create three 6 word memoirs.  One about you and one about a character from The Outsiders. One about a family member.

Level 3: Please create four 6 word memoirs.  One about you and one about a character from The Outsiders.  One about a member of your family.  One about a person of your choosing.

Folks at home sign: _____________________

Monday, November 28, 2016

Homework: November 28

Hello Everyone:

Today we compared and contrasted.  We discussed the differences and similarities between the characters from The Outsiders and ourselves.

For Homework:

Level 1:  Create a Venn diagram for you and someone at home. 

Level 2: Create a Venn Diagram for you and a character from The Outsiders

Level 3:  Create a Venn Diagram for two characters from The Outsiders

Folks at home sign: ______________________

Image result for venn diagram  This is a Venn Diagram.  One side is one person, the other side is the other person.  The sides are the differences.  The middle is the similarities. 

Monday, November 21, 2016

Homework: November 21-25

Hello Everyone!

This week's homework is about gratitude.  

For Homework: Each day this week, please write down something you are grateful for.  Folks at home,  join in on the challenge.

Level 1:  
One thing you are grateful for each day (total of 5 grateful things)

Level 2:
Two things you are grateful for each day (total of 10 grateful things)

Level 3:
Three things you are grateful for each day (total of 15 grateful things)

Folks at home sign please: ____________________________

Friday, November 18, 2016

Homework: November 18

Good morning everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful day today!

Today for homework:  Folks at home please help out on this assignment. I would like us to self-reflect.  Think about your own behavior this week.

Level 1:
Tell one behavior you did this week that you could do better.  How does this behavior effect your experience at school.

Level 2:
Tell about two behaviors you did this week that you could do better.  How does this behavior effected your experience at school.

Level 3:
Tell about three behaviors you did this week that you could do better.  How have these behaviors effected your experience at school.

Folks at home sign: ___________________________

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Homework: November 16 and 17

Hello Morning Everyone!

It was great to see everyone during teacher conferences!  

This week we are talking about cause/effects.  Last night I asked to create cause and effect sentences.  

For Homework: Wednesday

Level 1:
Create a two panel comic strip to show one of your cause and effect sentences.

Level 2: 
Create a two panel comic strip to show two of your cause and effect sentences.

Level 3:
Create a two panel comic strip to show two of your cause and effect sentences.

Folks at home sign: _______________________

AIS: Will start the week after Thanksgiving break.

For Homework: Thursday
Today we read part two of chapter 4 from The Outsiders.
Level 1:
 Tell three events from chapter four. Starting with the Socs meeting up with Johnny and Ponyboy.

Level 2:
 Tell how three events from chapter four are connected to each other.  Starting with the Socs meeting up with Johnny and Ponyboy.

Level 3:
 Tell how three events from chapter four are connected to each other.  Starting with the Socs meeting up with Johnny and Ponyboy.  Make a prediction on what you think will happen next.

Folks at home sign: __________________

AIS: Will start the week after Thanksgiving break. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Homework: November 15

Hello Everyone!  
  This week is Parent/Teacher Conferences:  November 16th (Evening).

Here is a message from Carmen Farina regarding Parent/Teacher Conferences.

For Homework: Today we talked about cause and effect.

For example:  

Cause:  Ponyboy slept in the park
Effect: He came home after 2 a.m.
Level 1:
Write three cause and effect statements based on real life.
Example:  Because I skipped breakfast, I am hungry
 Level 2:

Write 5 cause and effect statements based on real life.
Level 3:
Write 5 cause and effect statements based on real life.

Create two cause and effect statements in which the effect is a consequence for a behavior we see in school  
Folks at home sign: __________________________
Reminder: Complete at least 20 minutes of IXL.  Thank you!
Side Note:  We will be starting an AIS program after school Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  The program will be starting early December once bussing has been arranged.  If you would like to participate, please let me or Ms. Rizzitano know.   Thanks!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Homework: November 14

Hello Everyone!  
This week is Parent/Teacher Conferences: November 15th (evening) and November 16th (afternoon).
Here is a message from Carmen Farina regarding Parent/Teacher Conferences.
For Homework: Today we listed the Pro/Cons of the Socs and the Greasers.  It is important to look at both sides of a person and to put our bias on hold when describing a person.

PRO-Things that others may consider good
CON-Things that others may consider bad (CON does not mean a person is bad!)
Level 1:
Pick a person in your family or friend circle.  List 3 pros and 3 cons about that person.

 Level 2: 
Pick a person in your family or friend circle.  List 4 pros and 4 cons about that person.
Level 3:
Pick a person in your family or friend circle.  List 5 pros and 5 cons about that person.

Folks at home sign: __________________________
Reminder: Complete at least 20 minutes of IXL.  Thank you!
Side Note:  We will be starting an AIS program after school Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  The program will be starting early December once bussing has been arrange.  If you would like to participate, please let me or Ms. Rizzitano know.   Thanks!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Homework: November 10

Hello Everyone!

The following week is Parent/Teacher Conferences: November 15th (evening) and November 16th (afternoon).

Here is a message from Carmen Farina regarding Parent/Teacher Conferences.

For Homework: Today we continued to discussed stereotypes and how they impact our interactions with others.  We also continued reading "Monkey See, Monkey Do, Monkey Connect."
We also took time to ask each other get to know your questions.
Level 1:
1. What would be your dream job?

2.What job would you hate to have?  Why?
3. Tell three things about you that you love. **
Level 2: 1. What would be your dream job?
2.What job would you hate to have?  Why?
3. Tell three things you love about your community.**

Level 3:
1. What would be your dream job?

2.What job would you hate to have?  Why?
3.  Tell three things you love about your life.**

**It is important to talk about the things we love and about the things that make us happy.

Folks at home sign: __________________________

Reminder: Complete at least 20 minutes of IXL.  Thank you!

Side Note:  We will be starting an AIS program after school Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  The program will be starting early December once bussing has been arrange.  If you would like to participate, please let me or Ms. Rizzitano know.   Thanks!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Homework: November 9

Hello Everyone!

Just a few reminders:  There is no school November 11th.

The following week is Parent/Teacher Conferences: November 15th (evening) and November 16th (afternoon).

Here is a message from Carmen Farina regarding Parent/Teacher Conferences.

For Homework: Today we discussed stereotypes and how they impact our interactions with others.  We also started reading "Monkey See, Monkey Do, Monkey Connect."

Level 1:
1. What is empathy?
2. Why do people copy others?
3. Are you a follower or a leader?  Give an example please.
Level 2:
1. Why is it important to show empathy?
2. Give one example empathy found in any of the books we have read so far (Part-Time Indian, Of Mice and Men, The Outsiders)
3. Are you a follower or a leader?  Give an example please.

Level 3:
1. How do we show empathy?
2. How do we learn empathy?
3. How are animals and humans similar?

Folks at home sign: __________________________

Reminder: Complete at least 20 minutes of IXL.  Thank you!

Side Note:  We will be starting an AIS program after school Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  If you would like to participate please let me know this week!

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Homework: November 7

Hello Everyone!

Just a few reminders:  There is no school November 8th and November 11th.

The following week is Parent/Teacher Conferences: November 15th (evening) and November 16th (afternoon).

Here is a message from Carmen Farina regarding Parent/Teacher Conferences.

For Homework: Today we discussed stereotypes and how they impact our interactions with others.

Level 1:
1. What is a stereotype?
2. Are stereotypes positive or negative?
3. What is a stereotype you play into?
Level 2:
1. How do stereotypes effect others?
2. Give one example of negative stereotype found within the Outsiders
3. How have stereotypes effected your life?

Level 3:
1. Why do people have stereotypes?
2. Where do we get stereotypes?
3. How do stereotypes effect us as people?

Folks at home sign: __________________________

Reminder: Complete at least 20 minutes of IXL.  Thank you!

Side Note:  We will be starting an AIS program after school Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  If you would like to participate please let me know this week!

Friday, November 4, 2016

Homework: November 4

Hello Everyone!

Just a few reminders:  There is no school November 8th and November 11th.

The following week is Parent/Teacher Conferences: November 15th (evening) and November 16th (afternoon).

Here is a message from Carmen Farina regarding Parent/Teacher Conferences.

For Homework: Today we talked about compassion.  Work with someone at home to answer the following questions. 

Level 1:
1.Define compassion.
2. How do you and your family show compassion?
3. Why is it important for us to show compassion to others?
Level 2:e
1. Explain what is means to show compassion.
2. Give one example of compassion found in the Outsiders.
3. Give one example of daily compassion you show within your community.

Level 3:
1.  Why is compassion important?
2. How are relationships effected when there is lack of compassion?
3.  What would our communities be like if we did not show compassion to others?

Folks at home sign: __________________________

Reminder: Complete at least 20 minutes of IXL.  Thank you!

Side Note:  We will be starting an AIS program after school Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  If you would like to participate please let me know!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Homework: November 3

Hello Everyone!

I hope everyone is having a WONDERFUL week so far.

Just a few reminders:  There is no school November 8th and November 11th.

The following week is Parent/Teacher Conferences: November 15th (evening) and November 16th (afternoon).

Here is a message from Carmen Farina regarding Parent/Teacher Conferences.

For Homework: Below is a list of problems.  Pick ONE to discuss

School Bullying
Drug Use
Cyber Bullying

Level 1: Why is it a problem?

Level 2: Why is it a problem?  Who does it need to be solved?

Level 3: Why is it a problem?  Who does it need to be solved?  What steps will you take this week to solve this problem?

Folks at home sign: __________________________

Reminder: Complete at least 20 minutes of IXL.  Thank you!

Side Note:  We will be starting an AIS program after school Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  If you would like to participate please let me know this week!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Homework: November 2

Hello Everyone!

What a great way to start the month!

Today we talked about groups, reputation, and cliques.  

For Homework:

Level 1: 
1. Define the word MEAN.  Ex:  Shelly is MEAN to Carlos.
2. Why are people mean to others?
3. How do you think think people feel when you are mean?

Level 2:
1. What happens when someone is mean to others?
2.What kind of people are mean?
3. Why do people treat others poorly?

Level 3:
1. How does someone feel when they are being MEAN?
2. What causes someone to be mean?
3. Why might you be mean to others?

Folks at home sign: ___________________________________

Reminder: Please complete 20 minutes of IXL daily.