
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Homework: November 29

Hello Everyone!

Today we worked on 6 word memoirs.  A 6 word memoir is a short story about you that is exactly 6 words long. 

Image result for 6 word memoirs

For Homework:  Create a 6 word memoir.  Challenge someone at home to create their own 6 word memoir!

Level 1:  Please create two 6 word memoirs.  One about you and one about a character from The Outsiders.

Level 2: Please create three 6 word memoirs.  One about you and one about a character from The Outsiders. One about a family member.

Level 3: Please create four 6 word memoirs.  One about you and one about a character from The Outsiders.  One about a member of your family.  One about a person of your choosing.

Folks at home sign: _____________________

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