
Friday, December 23, 2016

Homework: December 23 and BREAK

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful day today!

Over the break,  I would like you to pick an activities from the list below.  Try a new one everyday.  You can do the activities alone or with a family member (with a family member will be a lot more fun!).

Level 1: One activity a day
Level 2: Two activities a day
Level 3: Three activities a day

Activity list:

1. Watch a TV show or documentary on something you want to know more about (for example: I tried to watched Chef's Table)

2. Try to follow a new recipe

3. Go on a walk somewhere new (with a friend or family member)

4. Write a letter to someone you haven't spoken to in awhile

5.  Do three random acts of kindness for someone 

6. Create a dance to a favorite song

7. Journal for ten minutes about how you are feeling and what you seeing around you

8.  Meditate for 15 minutes.  I really like this website for guided meditation.

9. Follow a DIY project

10. Relax and tell those around you that you appreciate them.

Folks at home sign: ____________________

REMINDER: Complete 20 minutes of IXL daily.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Homework: December 21 and 22

Hello everyone!

Today we finished the trial of Tom Robinson.

For Homework Dec. 21 and 22
Scout changes her mind about Boo Radley.  We always make a first impression, but a first impression can be changed to a lasting expression.

Level 1:  Think of two people (one person for each day) that after getting to know them you changed your mind.  Tell about what you thought about them at first versus what you think about them now.

Level 2:  Think of four people (two people for each day) that after getting to know them you changed your mind.  Tell about what you thought about them at first versus what you think about them now.

Level 3:  Think of six people (three people for each day) that after getting to know them you changed your mind.  Tell about what you thought about them at first versus what you think about them now.

Folks at home sign: ____________________

Complete 20 minutes of IXL daily

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Homework: December 20

Hello everyone!

Today we continued to work on using quotes in our writing to help support our thinking and opinions.

For Homework: Explain the following quotes below using the steps we talked about in class.

Step 1 : Introduce the quote
In TKAMB ______ says "....." 
Step 2: Explain the quote
This means: ______________

Step 3: How does it connect to your life?
For example _____________________

Level 1: “We're paying the highest tribute you can pay a man. We trust him to do right. It's that simple.”

Level 2: “People in their right minds never take pride in their talents.”

Level 3: “It’s never an insult to be called what somebody thinks is a bad name. It just shows you how poor that person is, it doesn’t hurt you.”

Folks at home sign: _____________________________

Monday, December 19, 2016

Homework: December 19

Hello everyone!

Today we worked on using quotes in our writing to help support our thinking and opinions.

For Homework: Explain the following quotes below using the steps we talked about in class.

Step 1 : Introduce and explain.
In TKAMB ______ says "....."  This means: ______________

Step 2: Explain the quote as it relates to the reading.
_____________ has to__________________
_____________ wants to_______________
and so on...

Step 3: How does it connect to your life?
For example _____________________

Level 1:  “It was times like these when I thought my father, who hated guns and had never been to any wars, was the bravest man who ever lived.”

Level 2: “Atticus, he was real nice." "Most people are, Scout, when you finally see them.” 

Level 3: “Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try to win.” 

Folks at home sign: _____________________________

Friday, December 16, 2016

Homework December 16

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all enjoyed your week!

Next week we will be reading about two major events in To Kill a Mockingbird.
1. The Robinson trial
2. Bob Ewell attacking Jem and Scout.

For Homework:  Think about the events in your life

Level 1: Write down two events from your life that have stuck with you

Level 2:Write down three events from your life that have stuck with you

Level 3:Write down four events from your life that have stuck with you

Folks at home sign please: ____________________

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Homework: December 14 and 15

Hello Everyone!

This week are talking about The Cunninghams, a family in Mayomb county that pays for lawyer and doctor services with whatever they can; whether it be potatoes or hickory nuts.

For Homework:  Share the love and kindness.

Level 1:  For the next two days so something kind for two different people. Write a sentence or two telling about your experience.

Level 2:  For the next two days so something kind for four different people. Write a sentence or two telling about your experience.

Level 3:  For the next two days so something kind for five different people. Write a sentence or two telling about your experience.

Folks at home sign: _____________________________

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Homework: December 13

Hello Everyone!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful start of the week!  Today we reviewed Chapter One from To Kill A Mockingbird.

For Homework:  Pick questions from the list below to answer.

Level 1: Pick 3 questions to answer.

Level 2: Pick 4 questions to answer.

Level 3: Pick 5 questions to answer.


1. Explain the relationship between Scout, Jem, and Atticus.

2. Who is Dill?  

3. What is odd about the Radleys?

4. Who is Calpurnia?  What is her relationship with Scout like?

5. How is Atticus as a father?

6. How old is Scout?  How much older is Jem?

7. Where do the Finches live?

8. What does Scout think of her teacher?

Folks at home sign please: _____________________________________

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Homework: December 12

Hello Everyone!

Today we discussed different types of schools from around the world.  We also discussed Scout's first day of school.

For Homework: Interview someone at home.  Ask them the following questions.

Level 1:
Person interviewed?
Do you like school?
What was your first day of school like?
If you could change one thing about school what would it be?

Level 2:
Person interviewed?
Do you like school?
What was your first day of school like?
Are you still friends with the people you met in school?
Your favorite grade?
If you could change one thing about school what would it be? 

Level 3:
Person interviewed?
Do you like school?
What was your first day of school like?
Are you still friends with the people you met in school?
Your favorite grade? 
Your favorite school memory?
If you could change one thing about school what would it be?

 Folks at home sign please:______________________________

Please complete 20 minutes of IXL Daily!

Friday, December 9, 2016

Homework: December 8 and 9

Hello Everyone!

Our Unity Wall looks AMAZING!

We have been spending our time talking about point of view.

For Homework (Thursday and Friday):

Level 1:
Thursday:  Write two sentences from the 1st Person Point of View:  I went to the store.

Friday:  Write two sentences from 3rd Person Point of View  using the sentences from yesterday: Ms. Tuck went to the store.

Level 2:
Thursday:  Write three sentences from the 1st Person Point of View:  I went to the store.

:  Write three sentences from 3rd Person Point of View  using the sentences from yesterday: Ms. Tuck went to the store.

Level 3:
Thursday:  Write five sentences from the 1st Person Point of View:  I went to the store.

Friday:  Write five sentences from 3rd Person Point of View  using the sentences from yesterday: Ms. Tuck went to the store.

 Folks at home please sign: ___________________________

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Homework: December 7

Hello Everyone!

Today we discussed Boo Radley and how he was as a child.

For Homework:

Level 1:  How would you describe yourself as a teenager?  What do you think you will be like as an adult?

Level 2: How would you describe yourself as a teenager?  What do you think you will be like as an adult? What job will you have?  Where will you live?

Level 3: How would you describe yourself as a teenager?  What do you think you will be like as an adult? What job will you have?  Where will you live?  What goals and expectations do yourself?  How will you meet these goals?

Folks at home sign: ______________________

Please complete 20 minutes of IXL.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Homework: December 6

Hello Everyone!

We have started reading about Scout, Jem and the Radleys.  The people of Maycomb are all connected.

For Homework:  Think about the people in your circle (friends and family).

Level 1:  Pick three people from your circle.  Create a web to explain the relation between you and the other three people. (See example below)

Level 2: Pick five people from your circle.  Create a web to explain the relation between you and the other five people. (See example below)

Level 3: Pick seven people from your circle.  Create a web to explain the relation between you and the other seven people. (See example below)

 Example: The web below is to show how the characters in To Kill A Mockingbird are related to each other.

Folks at home sign: ________________________

Reminder:  Please complete 20 minutes of IXL daily.

**AIS After School has started!  Mondays and Tuesdays!  It was great to see everyone!

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Homework: December 5

Hello Everyone!

Today we discussed rumors and stories that people tell others.  Almost always, the rumors we tell and share are not true.  The Radleys in To Kill A Mockingbird have rumors spreading all throughout town about their son, Arthur, AKA Boo.

For Homework: Think about the books we have read so far: The Absolutely True Diary, Of Mice and Men, The Outsiders and now To Kill A Mockingbird. Pick one book.

Level 1: Pick one book. What rumor was spread about ONE character from the book you selected.  Was the rumor true?  Explain your thinking.

Level 2: What rumor was spread about ONE character from the book you selected.  Was the rumor true?  Explain your thinking.  How does this rumor compare to a rumor that is spread on another book we have read?

Level 3: What rumor was spread about ONE character from the book you selected.  Was the rumor true?  Explain your thinking.  How does this rumor compare to a rumor that is spread on another book we have read?  How does this compare to the rumors we hear in real life?

Folks at home sign: _____________________

Side Note:  Please complete 20 minutes of IXL nightly.

**AIS will start this week! 

Friday, December 2, 2016

Homework: December 2

Hello everyone!

Today we discussed Jim Crow Laws and their connection to To Kill A Mockingbird.

For Homework:

Level 1:  Think of one rule or law you DO NOT agree with.  Explain your answer and support your thinking with examples from your life or texts we have read.

Level 2:  Think of two rule or law you DO NOT agree with.  Explain your answer and support your thinking with examples from your life or texts we have read.

Level 3:  Think of three rule or law you DO NOT agree with.  Explain your answer and support your thinking with examples from your life or texts we have read.

Folks at home sign:_________________________

REMINDER:  Please complete 20 minutes of IXL daily.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Homework: December 1

Hello Everyone!

Today we started To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee.

For Homework:  Discuss the following sentences with someone at home. 

1.     If some is on trial for murder, they are probably guilty.
2.    I never judge a person based on their appearance
3.    People often fear what they don’t understand.
4.    It is difficult to stand up for something when no one else agrees.
5.    Any set of beliefs is okay, as long as you believe in them sincerely.
6.    Girls should always act like girls.
7.    Laws are designed to make society fair for all its citizens.
8.    Courage is doing what you think is right when the odd of succeeding are against you.
9.    People should always try to understand and tolerate other people, no matter how different they are.
10.  What happened in the past doesn’t have any effect on my life today.
11.     The old saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me,” is true.

Level 1:  Write down whether or not your agree or disagree with TWO if the sentences above.  Explain your thinking.   Ask a family to share their thinking on ONE sentence.

Level 2: Write down whether or not your agree or disagree with THREE if the sentences above.  Explain your thinking. Ask a family to share their thinking on ONE sentence.

Level 3:  Write down whether or not your agree or disagree with FIVE if the sentences above.  Explain your thinking. Ask a family to share their thinking on ONE sentence.

Folks at home sign: _______________________________

Side Note:  Please complete 20 minutes of IXL daily.

**AIS will start on December 6th