
Friday, December 23, 2016

Homework: December 23 and BREAK

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful day today!

Over the break,  I would like you to pick an activities from the list below.  Try a new one everyday.  You can do the activities alone or with a family member (with a family member will be a lot more fun!).

Level 1: One activity a day
Level 2: Two activities a day
Level 3: Three activities a day

Activity list:

1. Watch a TV show or documentary on something you want to know more about (for example: I tried to watched Chef's Table)

2. Try to follow a new recipe

3. Go on a walk somewhere new (with a friend or family member)

4. Write a letter to someone you haven't spoken to in awhile

5.  Do three random acts of kindness for someone 

6. Create a dance to a favorite song

7. Journal for ten minutes about how you are feeling and what you seeing around you

8.  Meditate for 15 minutes.  I really like this website for guided meditation.

9. Follow a DIY project

10. Relax and tell those around you that you appreciate them.

Folks at home sign: ____________________

REMINDER: Complete 20 minutes of IXL daily.

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