
Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Homework: March 7th

Hello Everyone!

What a GREAT afternoon!  I was so happy to meet and catch up with you and your families!

Today in class we talked about the impact a thought bubble has on an image.

For homework:  Use one of the images below


Level 1:  Create a thought bubble for one of the characters above.  Use the faces of the character to determine what they are thinking.

Level 2:  Create a thought bubble for one of the characters above.  Use the faces of the character to determine what they are thinking.  How does what they are thinking differ from what they are doing?

Level 3: Create a thought bubble for one of the characters above.  Use the faces of the character to determine what they are thinking.  Create a speech bubble for the same character.  Does what the character says the same or different from what they are thinking?  Why or why not?

Folks at home sign: _________________________

Please complete 20 minutes of IXL daily.

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