
Monday, August 14, 2017

Final days of Summer School!

Hello all!

I hope you all had an amazing summer!  Thank you for all the hard work  you have put in.

Just a reminder:  Regents exams are on August 16th.  Please see me to find out which room number you are in.

For Homework this week:

Geometry: Please log onto Mr. Estil's homework blog.

Algebra: Please log onto Ms. Hairston's homework blog 

ELA: Please log onto Mr. Padilla's homework blog


Geometry: This week, we are working on solving for unknown angles in a polygon.

Algebra: when solving for an unknown, it is best to combine like terms.  

ELA: All homework is found in your regents packets.  Please review you multiple choice answers and find evidence from the text to support the correct answer.

Please work with folks at home to complete your homework.

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