
Friday, November 10, 2017

Homework: November 10

Hello Everyone!

Happy Friday and Happy Veteran's Day!

Today we discussed Needs and Wants.

A NEED is something that you need to survive.  For example: Food

A WANT is something you would like.   For example: Ice cream

Everyone's needs and wants may be different.

All Levels: Work with someone at home to complete the chart.  You fill it out and ask someone at home to also fill it out.

Level 1:
How are your needs and wants the same as your family member?
How are your needs and wants different than your family member?

Level 2:
How are your needs and wants the same and different from your family member? Why might your needs be the same but your wants different?
Level 3:
Compare your needs and wants to those of a family member.  Why might your needs be similar but your wants different?

Folks at home please sign: ____________________________

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