
Friday, December 22, 2017

Homework: Holiday Break

Hello everyone!  Here is the homework for the break.

Folks at home, please sign!

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Homework: December 21

Hello Everyone!

Today is Thursday!

For Homework

If you went on the trip: All Levels

1. What is one thing you liked about today's trip?
2. What is one thing you learned?

If you stayed in school: All Levels

1. What is one thing you do really well?
2. What is one thing you want to do better?
3. What do you need from family and school to help you meet your goal?

Folks at home please sign: ____________

Please complete 20 minutes of IXL/MyOn daily.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Homework: December 19

Hello everyone!

Today was the Alvin Ailey performance and Debate!

For homework: 
Please reflect on your experience today (whether it be from debate or Alvin Ailey). 
If you did not participate in either activity, give a review of the Alvin Ailey performance. Give a shout out to someone in the performance for a job well done!

Level 1: At least three sentences
Level 2: At least four sentences
Level 3: At least five sentences

Work with someone from to complete this assignment. 

Folks at home please sign. 

Please complete 15 minutes of IXL/MyOn. 

Monday, December 18, 2017

Homework: December 18

Hello Everyone!

Happy Monday!

Today we discussed inferencing.

Inference = What you know + new information.

ALL LEVELS:  Look at the image below.  

Level 1:  
Make a list of at least 3 things you observe (see).
What is one thing you can infer?

Level 2: 
Make a list of at least 4 things you observe (see).
What are two things you can infer?

Level 3:
Make a list of at least 5 things you observe (see).
What are three things you can infer?

Folks at home please sign: ________________

Please complete 15 minutes of IXL/MyOn daily. 

Friday, December 15, 2017

Homework: December 15

Hello All,

Happy Happy Friday!

For Homework:  Interview someone at home.  Use the questions below to conduct your interview.

Level 1: Ask 5 questions from the list below.
Level 2: Ask 8 questions from the list below.
Level 3: Ask 10 questions from the list below.

1.     If you could be any animal, what would you be? ___________________
2.   What is your favorite food? ___________________
3.   What foods do you like the least? ___________________
4.   If you could have a super power, what would it be? _________________
5.   If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? _________________
6.   If you could have any animal for a pet, what would you have? ___________________
7.   Name one person who is important to you: ___________________
8.   Your favorite color: ___________________
9.   Your favorite tv show: ______________________________
10.Your favorite movie: ________________________________
11.  What do you want to be when you grow up? ___________________
12.Where do you want to live when you grow up? ___________________
13.What is your favorite animal? ___________________
14.Name one thing you are scared of: ___________________
15.If you could time travel, where would you travel to? ___________________
16.One thing you love about yourself: ___________________
17.One thing you want to learn how to do: ___________________

Folks at home please sign: ______________
 Please complete 20 minutes of IXL/MyOn over the weekend.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Homework:December 14

Good morning everyone!

Happy Thursday!

Today we worked on using our seeds as inspiration for our writing.   

For Homework:  Look at the image below.

Level 1:  Set the timer for 3 minutes.  Write a story about the picture above.  Try to write for the whole three minutes non-stop.

Level 2:  Set the timer for 4 minutes.  Write a story about the picture above.  Try to write for the whole three minutes non-stop.

Level 3:  Set the timer for 4 minutes.  Write a story about the picture above.  Try to write for the whole three minutes non-stop.  With a different color pen/pencil, revise your writing.  Add at least one more sentence to make your writing clearer for the reader.

Folks at home please sign:

Please complete 20 minutes of IXL or MyOn daily.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Homework: December 13

Hello All!

Happy Happy Wednesday!

Today we used our seeds to inspire our stories.

For Homework:

Pick ONE of the seeds you gathered from Monday or Tuesday.

Level 1:  Write for three minutes (non-stop) on the seed of your choice.  Remember, do not worry about SPELLING OR GRAMMAR!

Level 2: Write for four minutes (non-stop) on the seed of your choice.  Remember, do not worry about SPELLING OR GRAMMAR!

Level 3: Write for fives minutes (non-stop) on the seed of your choice.  Remember, do not worry about SPELLING OR GRAMMAR!

Folks at home please sign: ______________________

Please complete 20 minutes of IXL or MyOn daily. 

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Homework: December 12

Hello Everyone!

Happy happy Tuesday! 😃

Today we continued with gather seeds.  A seed is a snippet of an idea that can be grown into a story.  We have been working at gathering a lot of seeds so we have lots of stories to choose from.

For Homework:  Work with someone at home.

Use the following sentence starters for tonights homework.  Set the timer for 3 minutes.  Your goal is to write for the entire 3 minutes!  Challenge someone from home to write for 3 minutes too!

1. When I am __________, I _______________.
2. If I had million dollars, I would______________.
3. I would never_______________.

Level 1: Pick one of the topics from above to write.  Complete the sentence as many times as you can within the three minutes. 

Level 2: Pick two of the topics from above to write.  Complete the sentence as many times as you can within the three minutes for one topic.  Then, write again for 3 minutes using the other topic sentence.

Level 3:   Complete the sentence as many times as you can within the three minutes for one topic.  Then, write again for 3 minutes using another topic.  Finally, write again for 3 minutes using the last topic sentence.

Folks at home please sign:  ___________________________

Please remember to complete 20 minutes of IXL and/or MyOn.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Homework: December 11th

Hello Everyone!

Happy happy Monday 😃

Today we started gather seeds for our narrative writing.

For Homework:  Work with someone at home.

Use the following sentence starters for tonights homework.  Set the timer for 3 minutes.  Your goal is to write for the entire 3 minutes!  Challenge someone from home to write for 3 minutes too!

1. The last time I ___________________ was________________
2. When I was ________________, I ______________________.
3. When I get _______________, I  ________________________.

Level 1: Pick one of the topics from above to write.  Complete the sentence as many times as you can within the three minutes. 

Level 2: Pick two of the topics from above to write.  Complete the sentence as many times as you can within the three minutes for one topic.  Then, write again for 3 minutes using the other topic sentence.

Level 3:   Complete the sentence as many times as you can within the three minutes for one topic.  Then, write again for 3 minutes using another topic.  Finally, write again for 3 minutes using the last topic sentence.

Folks at home please sign:  ___________________________

Please remember to complete 20 minutes of IXL and/or MyOn.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Homework: December 8th

Hello All,

For homework: CURRENT EVENT.

All levels:

Complete the 5W chart below based on an article found at one of the links below.


CNN Student News


Scholastic News

The Washington Post

Folks at home please sign: ___________________

Please complete 20 minutes of IXL or MyOn.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Homework: December 8th

Hello all!

Today we continued to look at the sentence structure of various authors.  We also discussed our school debate team.

For Homework:  ALL LEVELS

Talk with a friend or family member about the following topic. 

Athlete should stand for the National Anthem.

Level 1:  Do you agree or disagree with the above statement?  Why or why not?

Level 2: Do you agree or disagree with the above statement?  Why or why not?  Write  one statement agreeing with the statement and one state disagreeing with the statement.

Level 3: Do you agree or disagree with the above statement?  Why or why not?  Write  one statement agreeing with the statement and one state disagreeing with the statement. Provide one piece of evidence to support your thinking. 

Folks at home please sign: _________________

Remember, work on MyOn and IXL daily. 

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Homework: December 6th

Hello All,

Today in class we discussed gaining inspiration from other writers.

For homework: ALL LEVELS

  Write down the name of the author after each sentence.

WORD BANK:  Sherman Alexie                Harper Lee           John Steinbeck

1.     When he was nearly thirteen, my brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow. ____________
2.    A few miles south of Soledad, the Salinas River drops in close to the hillside bank and runs deep and green. _________
3.    I was born with water on the brain. __________

Today we borrowed sentences from authors to make our own.  

When he was nearly thirteen, my brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow.  

**I can take out information from this sentence to make  it my own.

For example:  When I was nearly 6, I broke my tooth. 

Level 1: Pick one of the sentences from above to make your own. 
Level 2: Pick two sentences from above to make your own.
Level 3: Make all three sentences above your own. 

Folks at home please sign: __________________

Please work on IXL and/or MyOn daily.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Homework: December 5th

Hello all!

Today we got the great pleasure of seeing Alvin Ailey. 

For Homework: Inspiration.
Harper Lee uses events from her life to create To Kill A Mockingbird, similarly to  S.E. Hinton.

Level 1:
If you could write a story about one event in your life, what event would it be?

Level 2:
If you could write a story about one event in your life, what event would it be?  Write at least 3 sentences describing the event and give at least one detail.

Level 3:
If you could write a story about one event in your life, what event would it be?  Write at least 5 sentences describing the event and give at least three details.

Folks at home please sign: _______________________

REMINDER: Please complete IXL and MyOn daily.