
Monday, December 11, 2017

Homework: December 11th

Hello Everyone!

Happy happy Monday ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Today we started gather seeds for our narrative writing.

For Homework:  Work with someone at home.

Use the following sentence starters for tonights homework.  Set the timer for 3 minutes.  Your goal is to write for the entire 3 minutes!  Challenge someone from home to write for 3 minutes too!

1. The last time I ___________________ was________________
2. When I was ________________, I ______________________.
3. When I get _______________, I  ________________________.

Level 1: Pick one of the topics from above to write.  Complete the sentence as many times as you can within the three minutes. 

Level 2: Pick two of the topics from above to write.  Complete the sentence as many times as you can within the three minutes for one topic.  Then, write again for 3 minutes using the other topic sentence.

Level 3:   Complete the sentence as many times as you can within the three minutes for one topic.  Then, write again for 3 minutes using another topic.  Finally, write again for 3 minutes using the last topic sentence.

Folks at home please sign:  ___________________________

Please remember to complete 20 minutes of IXL and/or MyOn.

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