
Monday, September 30, 2013

Sept. 30

Welcome back!

Today we prepared ourselves for our next book:  Grapes of Wrath (GOW)!

I am very excited about this book.  The language used and the images created paint a picture of life in the 1930's.

In class we discussed the Dust Bowl


What is the Dust Bowl?

What are some of the causes of the Dust Bowl?

What happened BECAUSE of the Dust Bowl?

I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Tomorrow we will be introduced to the Joad family.  We will create a family tree to help sort out who is who. We will fill it out as we read GOW.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Sept 27

Good Afternoon!

I just want to say how proud I am to see you all helping each other in class.  It is such a great skill to be able to work with someone and help others.  Keep it up!

For homework:

Read that articleThe R-word and Racist Native American Sports Team Logos and answer the following questions:

1.) What is writing at the bottom of each of the bobble-heads?

2.) Why is that image used to prove a point?

Think about this quote from the article:

"Close your eyes and think: 'Indians.' What comes to mind? Do you see Bates students? University professors? People suffering from poverty and diabetes? Construction workers? Lawyers? Or do you see caricatures of people with bright red skin, big noses, and huge grins who are prancing around, riding horses, and waving tomahawks?"

3.) Why do you think the author asked readers to think about the word "Indian"?

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sept 26

Good Afternoon!

First off let me say that you all were amazing!  You had smart things to say in class and worked well with each other.  

VO5, I thought your reasons for a Ghost dance were inspiring.  Keep up the awesome work!
VO4, it was wonderful to hear you discuss how hurtful the name R** **** is to Native people and compare it to other words people use today.
XO1 Great job supporting each other and helping  to correct each others mistakes.  Using kind words and speaking to each other with respect makes our classroom community a great place for everyone.
VO1, Everyone did a wonderful job being on task and participating.  It was awesome to see you help each other with the Do Now and explaining your thinking to each other.

In class we discussed the band Tribe Called Red (want to hear some of their music? Click here) and how one of the members filed a human rights complaint.  Read the article found here and answer the following questions:

1.) Who was the complaint against?    

Nepean Football Club        Flag Football         Redhills Football

2.)Who was the complaint made for?  

5-year-old daughter               cousin                  rabbit

3. What do you think the result of the complaint should be?

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sept 24

Washington R** ****

The team that shall not be named. Here is a link to the video we watched in class today.  Please view the video again and think about the following questions:

1.) Why is the name R** **** considered a racial slur?

2.) Should the name be changed?

3.) What is Dan Snyder's responsibility to the fans of the Washington team?

Next Steps:  We are gathering information to form opinions on this issue.  We will be reading other articles and viewing other videos in class.  Please come prepared to discuss your viewpoints on this issue.

Enjoy the rest of your day,
Ms. Tuck

Monday, September 23, 2013

Sept. 23

Hello Class!

Today we discussed misunderstandings and how they can cause a change in your life forever.  The war between Cochise and the U.S. Army was because of a misunderstanding.

What are some other events in history you can think of that are caused by a misunderstanding?

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Sept. 19

Hello Folks!

Today we created Wordles using vocabulary words from chapter three of Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee by Dee Brown.  Click on the link to create your own Wordles at home!

Educational Assistants work with students to create their Wordles
Students work independently and in small groups to create their Wordles

HOMEWORK:  Listen to the RadioLab podcast titled Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl.  After listening to the podcast answer the following question.

Who should Baby Veronica live with and why?

Side Note:  Book club is starting, any suggestions are welcome!
The school newspaper is also collecting submissions from students at MSCD!
Like to Debate? Join the team, see me if interested.

Next Steps: We will take what we learn in class to fuel the first issue of the paper.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sept. 18, 2013

Hello Folks!

Today we discussed the Navaho people and their battle over land with the US army.  In the end, the Navaho(jo) people were pushed off and away from their land and relocated to a reservation.

Answer the following questions:

1. Who was Manuelito?  (DOK 1)

2. What was the effect of the army's use of the scorched-earth campaign? (DOK2)

3. Compare the Navajo people to another group of people and explain the relationship? (DOK 3)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Homework Sept. 17, 2013

Today we talked about Andrew Jackson, former President of the United States.  
Why was he given the nickname Sharp Knife?