
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Sept 27

Good Afternoon!

I just want to say how proud I am to see you all helping each other in class.  It is such a great skill to be able to work with someone and help others.  Keep it up!

For homework:

Read that articleThe R-word and Racist Native American Sports Team Logos and answer the following questions:

1.) What is writing at the bottom of each of the bobble-heads?

2.) Why is that image used to prove a point?

Think about this quote from the article:

"Close your eyes and think: 'Indians.' What comes to mind? Do you see Bates students? University professors? People suffering from poverty and diabetes? Construction workers? Lawyers? Or do you see caricatures of people with bright red skin, big noses, and huge grins who are prancing around, riding horses, and waving tomahawks?"

3.) Why do you think the author asked readers to think about the word "Indian"?

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