
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Homework March 25 and 26

Hello everyone!!

I hope you all had a wonderful day today.
Just as a reminder, I will be out Wednesday.

If you have any questions please feel free to comment below, send a note, or speak to me throughout the day.

Homework Tuesday and Wednesday are posted below.

This week we are working quotation marks and the discussing the author's use of dialogue within a text.

Tuesday, March 25
Answer the questions below.  You may submit your work in the comment section OR turn your work in during class.

1.) When do we use quotation marks?
2.) Do quotation marks for BEFORE or AFTER the punctuation?
3.) How do we know someone new is speaking?
4.) Name one reason authors use dialogue in their writing?

Wednesday, March 26
You may submit your homework in the comment section OR turn your work in during class.

Practice Exercise

Properly insert quotation marks, commas, and endmarks into these sentences.
1.Wow Those are terrific pictures exclaimed James
2.My sister would like to go to the movies with us said Gina May she
3.This summer promises continued Roger to be a very memorable one for sure
4.Would you care for another slice of pizza asked Mom
5.Why did you say I'm better than she is

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