
Monday, June 16, 2014

Homework: June 16-June 20

Good morning everyone!

I hope you all had an amazing weekend!  Below is your homework for the week.  i

If you have any questions, please ask!

Folks at home:  This week we are focusing on what makes someone a good leader and the qualities we look for in a leader.  We are also discussing the importance of being a leader but also letting others take charge sometimes.  Please give your child examples from your life when you took on a leadership role.  


Monday:  Current Event. 
Please select one current event (either a new cast, newspaper article, a headline from the internet, a viral video on Facebook, a Tweet going viral).  Use the event to answer the following questions
1.) Who wrote it
2.) The date
3.) Main idea (one sentence to explain what it is)
4.) Why did you pick it?

Tuesday: There are many political cartoons about Obama and the type of leader he is. 
Pick one political cartoon about a former President.  Use the political cartoon to answer the following questions.
1.) Which president is in the cartoon
2.) What does the cartoon say?
3.) What are the people doing in the cartoon?
4.) Does what they are saying match what you see them doing?
Extra: What does this cartoon mean?

Wednesday: George Washington warns us to stay neutral, to be sure we do not align ourselves with one country over another.  Watch the video and answer the following questions.
1.) Which former president is doing the interview?
2.) Why is asked to give an interview?
3.) What is his reasoning for being "against" invasion?
EXTRA: Do you agree or disagree with him, why?

Thursday: Explain the following quote
“The basis of our political systems is the right of the people to make and to alter their Constitutions of Government.” 

Friday:Name one time you were a good leader.  Name one time you could have been a better leader.  Explain the difference in the two experiences.

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