
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Homework: Jan 6-Jan 9

January 6
January 7
January 8
January 9
Mrs. Nakamura decided to not leave after the siren sounded.  When the bomb hit Hiroshima, her house got destroyed and her children were buried.

Homework: What is a choice you made that you wish you could take back?  Why?

Level 1: two sentences
Level 2: three sentences
Level 3: five sentences
Throughout Hiroshima, families had emergency plans. 

Homework: What would be your emergency plan?  Explain where you would go and what you would do.

Level 1: two sentences
Level 2: three sentences
Level 3: five sentences
Mrs. Nakamura traveled far to help keep her children safe. 

Homework: Who is someone you would want to keep safe? Why?

Level 1: two sentences
Level 2: three sentences
Level 3: five sentences
Mrs. Nakamura was not upset with America for bombing Hiroshima until she thought she lost her sewing machine. 

Homework: What is something you lost and you wish you could have it back?  Why?

Level 1: two sentences
Level 2: three sentences
Level 3: five sentences

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