
Monday, February 2, 2015

Homework: Feb 2

Ms. Tuck                                                                     Homework: February 2, 2015

Today we started Night by Elie Wiesel.

For Homework:  Read the following biography of Elie Wiesel.  Use the reading to answer the following questions.  

 Please read through this with someone at home.  Have them help you answer the questions.

In 1944, Nazi Germany forced Jews who resided in Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania to relocate to labor and death camps in Poland. At the age of 15, Wiesel and his entire family were sent to Auschwitz as part of the Holocaust, which took the lives of more than 6 million Jews. Wiesel lived in the camps under deplorable, inhumane conditions, gradually starving, and was ultimately freed from Buchenwald in 1945. Of his relatives, only he and two of his sisters survived.

Level 1:
1.)            What year did Germany force Jews to Bulgaria, Hungary, and Romania? __________________
2.)           At what age did Elie get moved to Aushwitz? ___________________

Level 2: Answer the questions above plus the following:
3.)           How many Jewish people lost their lives? ________________________
4.)           When was Elie Wiesel freed? ________________________________

Level 3:  Answer all the questions above plus the following:
5.)           Who from Elie Wiesel’s family survived the Holocaust? _______________________________________________________

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