
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Homework: March 31

Tomorrow starts a new month and a new book!
The book next month is Monster by Walter Dean Myers.  Be ready and be excited!

For Homework:  Today we created Problem Trees
Ask someone at home what are concerns they have for your community.

Level 1:  Name two concerns
Level 2: Name two concerns and the effects of at least one of them
Level 3: Name three concerns and the effect of each concern

Monday, March 30, 2015

Homework: March 30

Hello Everyone!

Today is a Shakespeare day!  

For homework:

To prepare us for tomorrow's lesson, I want you to answer the following questions.

1.) What does it mean to be "fair?"

2.) When have you experienced something unfair?

Friday, March 27, 2015

Homework: March 27

Hello Everyone!

I hope you are all safe!

For Homework:  Bring in a current event for Monday!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Homework: March 25

This week we are focusing on INFERENCES.

Inference = Information gathered + What you know.

Read the passage below.
“Gene Johnson was sitting on the grass under the tree in front of the building.  He kept going over and over what everyone has done.  If the guy has the needle in his right hand, you stand on his left.  You pin the monkey’s arms behind it so it can’t turn around and bite you.” (page 352)

What can you infer from what you have read?

Monday, March 23, 2015

Homework: March 23-24

Hello Everyone!

Monday and Tuesday are Shakespeare days.  

For Homework: 

Review to PLOTS of the plays you are working on.

What is PLOT (define the word)? 

V01- Romeo and Juliet

V00, V05, X01- Comedy of Errors

Friday, March 20, 2015

Homework: March 20

Hello Everyone! 

I hope you all have a safe and happy weekend.

For Homework:  Read the following article

Ebola In The Air: What Science Says About How The Virus Spreads

(Sections of the article are copied below)

Here's an Ebola puzzle for you: If the virus isn't airborne, why do doctors and nurses need to wear full protective suits, with face masks, while treating patients?

After we dug through studies and talked to scientists, the answer slowly emerged.
Ebola does spread through the air. But not through the airborne route.

One day in 1933, Wells discovered that pathogens (he was studying bacteria) get trapped in tiny droplets of fluid — maybe some mucus when you sneeze or some saliva when you cough. 

Answer the following question:

1.)  Why do doctors wear mask when treating Ebola?

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Homework: March 19

Hello Everyone!

For Homework:  Do you think Ebola is the most dangerous thing to have happened to the human population?  Why or Why not?

Level 1: Two sentences
Level 2: Four sentences
Level 3: Four sentences, provide examples

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Homework: March 18

Good morning everyone,

Today in class we annotated text.  

For homework:  Annotate the following text.  Remember, you are underling information you find interesting or text that you want to learn more about.  As you underline, write down the questions that pop-up in your head.

Ebola Epidemic: Why a Few Cases Could Threaten Progress

Ebola cases in West Africa have been going down for the past few months. For example, the number of new Ebola cases in Sierra Leone dropped from around 540 per week at the beginning of December to around 65 new cases weekly at the end of January, according to a recent report from the World Health Organization. In Guinea, there was also a drop, from about 150 cases a week in mid-December to 30 cases at end of January. And in Liberia, no new cases have been reported in the past two weeks


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Homework: March 17- Happy St. Patrick's Day

Today we annotated text. 
Annotate- to interact with the text

For Homework:  Read the section below.  Annotate the text= underline information you find interesting and ask a question based off of what you have read.

The Hot Zone
“He becomes dizzy and utterly weak, and his spine goes limp and nerveless and he loses all sense of balance. The room is turning around and around. He is going into shock. He leans over, head on his knees, and brings up an incredible quantity of blood from his stomach and spills it onto the floor with a gasping groan.”

Monday, March 16, 2015

Homework:March 16

Hello everyone!!!

Today was a Shakespeare day... Students who met with Ms. Sarah you did great work today.


Today we talked about using our experiences as inspiration for our own writing.

1.) According to Flocabulary, what do we need to include in our writing?

2.) Why do you think Ebola and other viruses are used as inspiration for movies and tv shows?

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Homework: March 12 and 13

Good morning!

Thursday and Friday have been spent looking doctors who travel overseas to work with people who have Ebola.

For Homework:

1.) How does it feel to help someone?

2.) How does it feel when you CAN'T help someone but you want to?

1.) Why do people seem scared to get checked for Ebola?

2.) How can we help keep our communities healthy?

Monday, March 9, 2015

Homework: March 9

Hello Everyone!  I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

Today we read a blog written by an infectious disease epidemiologist (someone who studies viruses and how they change and evolve).  She says the Preston exaggerated the symptoms and the abilities of the Ebola Virus.

For Homework: 

Why is it a problem if Richard Preston exaggerated the symptoms and abilities of the Ebola virus?

(Hint:  What type of book is The Hot Zone?)

Section from today’s reading:

“First–the description of symptoms. Preston himself admits that these were exaggerated. Over and over, he uses words like “dissolving,” “liquefy,” “bleeding out” to describe patient pathology.

Level 1: One sentence

Level 2: Two to three sentence

Level 3: Three to four sentences and evidence from the text to support your answer

Friday, March 6, 2015

Homework: March 6

 For Homework:

Today we talked about the use of viruses as weapons. 

What would be the best way to protect ourselves from everyday viruses?  (Hint: Yesterday we discussed the problems with not being fully informed)

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Homework: March 5

Often times we quarantine people when they are sick to keep other people from getting sick. 

For Homework: What harm can happen from quarantining people?  Why?  Do people do it for the right reasons?

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Homework: March 4

Good morning!

I truly enjoyed getting to meet your folks from home Monday and yesterday.   

For Homework:  

The Ebola virus is known to strike fear into the hearts of many because of its capability to kill large portions of the population.

What movies/TV shows are inspired by the deadly virus?

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Homework: March 3

Good morning,

Today is a half day and it is the second day of Parent/Teacher Conferences.

For Homework:  After doctors treat Ebola patients they burn their scrubs.  Why do you think they do this?  Do you think it works?

Monday, March 2, 2015

Homework: March 2

Good Morning,

Today we will be starting the Shakespeare project AND The Hot Zone.

What to expect this month:

Shakespeare will be on Mondays with some Wednesday (not all classes participate)
We will read The Hot Zone and related articles the first three weeks of March and spend the remainder the month writing our own articles.

For Homework: 

Today we began discussing Ebola and the different ways it can be spread from host to host.  

What do you think should be our action plan for treating people with Ebola?