
Monday, March 9, 2015

Homework: March 9

Hello Everyone!  I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

Today we read a blog written by an infectious disease epidemiologist (someone who studies viruses and how they change and evolve).  She says the Preston exaggerated the symptoms and the abilities of the Ebola Virus.

For Homework: 

Why is it a problem if Richard Preston exaggerated the symptoms and abilities of the Ebola virus?

(Hint:  What type of book is The Hot Zone?)

Section from today’s reading:

“First–the description of symptoms. Preston himself admits that these were exaggerated. Over and over, he uses words like “dissolving,” “liquefy,” “bleeding out” to describe patient pathology.

Level 1: One sentence

Level 2: Two to three sentence

Level 3: Three to four sentences and evidence from the text to support your answer

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