
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Homework: April 15-17

Wednesday- April 15
Thursday-April 16
Friday-April 17
Today we answered anticipation guide questions for the book Monster. 

As a reader, we sometimes have to check our understanding and our biases that we have on certain topics.

For homework:  Answer the following questions with Agree or Disagree

1.)   It is okay to lie if someone is going to get hurt.

2.)  It is okay to get revenge on someone who hurt you

3.)  People who work hard get good things.

Level 1: Use Agree or Disagree
Level 2: Agree/Disagree in a complete sentence
Level 3:  Explain your thinking.
Today we determined an unknown word by using context clues.

A context clue is information surrounding an unknown word that helps us to figure out the meaning of that word.

For example:

The water really quenched my thirst.

We can determine the meaning of quenched by looking at the other words in the sentence.

For homework:  Use one of the following words in a correct sentence.

Today we learned about the elements of a story and how to determine if a character is a major or minor character.

For homework:

Determine if the following characters are major or minor.

Romeo and Juliet

Arnold from Part time Indian

Curley from Of Mice and Men

Level 1 and 2:  Answer the question as is

Level 3: Provide reasoning for your thinking.

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