
Monday, June 15, 2015

Homework: Week of June 15-19

Hello Everyone!

We are entering our final couple of weeks of school.

Below you will see your homework for the week.  You can turn in your work one day at a time or at the end of the week. 

Monday: Who killed Wellington?  Why?

Level 1:  One sentences
Level 2: Two sentences
Level 3: Three sentences

 Level 1: What was the reason Christopher ran away from home?  

Level 2:  What was the reason Christopher ran away from home?   Do you agree or disagree with his decision?

Level 3:  What was the reason Christopher ran away from home?   Do you agree or disagree with his decision?  Would you have done the same?

Level 1: Do you think Christopher is brave for traveling alone to London?

Level 2: Do you think Christopher is brave for traveling alone to London?  Why or why not?

Level 3: Do you think Christopher is brave for traveling alone to London?  Why or why not?  How would you feel if you had to travel alone?

Thursday: How has Christopher changed from the beginning of the book to the end of the book?

Level 1: One change
Level 2:  Two changes
Level 3:  Three changes 

Friday:  Re-write the ending of the book.  

Level 1: Two sentences
Level 2: Three-four sentences
Level 3: Four-five sentenes

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