
Monday, November 30, 2015

Homework: November 30

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone had a wonderful few days off from school.   Today is our last day of The Outsiders and I would like to use this time to reflect.

For Homework:

All Levels:  Write a review for The Outsiders.

1. How many stars (1-5) would you give The Outsiders?
2. Give one reason supported by the book.
3. Rank the books we have read so far, 1 being the best (Part-Time Indian, Of Mice and Men, The Outsiders)

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Homework: November 25

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all have a wonderful break and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday!

Be safe

For Homework:  Read the passage below from page 59-60 in our Close Reader books.

Simply, my uncle Chico stayed
back in Cuba, against the family’s
advice, because everyone left

And he chose to stay.  This is where he was born,
why should he leave and live in perpetual longing
within exile?

EXILE: to be away from one’s home

PERPETUAL: Constant, never ending, all the time

Level 1:  What is his uncle afraid of happening?

Level 2:  Compare the state of longing Uncle Chico feels to the Chibok Girls.

Level 3:  What feeling of longing to the Greasers feel?  Why?  How do you know?

Folks at home sign: ________________________________________________


Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Homework: November 24

Hello Everyone!  Below is your homework for tonight.  The full version of the poem can be found on page 58 of your Closer Reader book.
“My parents split, and I felt
absolutely halved, though what was left of me
was unclear.”

The author uses her words with power.  She creates a powerful image so show her heartache.

SPLIT: to break, tear

Level 1:  Why does the author feel split?  Do you ever feel split?

Level 2:  Why does the author feel split?  Describe a time one of the characters from The Outsiders feels split.

Level 3: Why does the author feel split?  Explain how our society can be seen as “split.”  How can we mend this separation?

Folks at home sign: __________________________________


Monday, November 23, 2015

Homework: November 23

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

For Homework: All Levels
Why is the 'gang' important to Johnny? 

Also answer:

Level 1: Do we need friends?  Why or why not?

Level 2:  Do you have this type of relationship with your friends?  Give an example.

Level 3:   Do friends always help us to do the right thing?  Why or why not?

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Homework: 17-20

Good Afternoon Everyone!

I hope you all have a wonderful week!

This week we are working on summarizing and planning.  We are picking two events from The Outsiders to summarize.  We are going to use those summaries to create a comic strip.

Folks at home:  Please sign each night's homework


November 17:  All levels

Pick a comic you find funny.  

Answer the following questions:

What do you notice?  What is the comic about?

November 19: All levels
Pick an event from The Outsiders

Level 1: Who is involved and where does the scene take place?

Level 2: How are the characters feeling in this scene?  How do you know?

Level 3:  How does this scene effect the rest of the story?  Explain your thinking.

November 20: All levels
Explain the relationship between the  Greaser and Socials.

Level 2 and 3:   Does it stay the same throughout the book?  How do you know?

November 21: 

Level 1:What role does Cherry play in the rumble?
Level 2: How has Ponyboy changed int he book?
Level 3: How has Ponyboy and Darry's relationship changed?  How do you know?

Monday, November 16, 2015

Homework: November 16

Good morning!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

For Homework: Answer the following

Level 1:
1. What did Ponyboy and Johnny do?  Why?

Level 2:
1.What did Ponyboy and Johnny do?  Why?
2.Why do you think Ponyboy saw this church as a premonition?

Level 3: 
1.What did Ponyboy and Johnny do?  Why?
2.Why do you think Ponyboy saw this church as a premonition?
3.Do you think this act is Johnny's redemption?

Monday, November 9, 2015

Homework: Nov. 9-13

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

Here is your homework for the week.  Please be sure to have a parent sign your work!

Monday:  P/T Conferences (5:30-8:00)

For Homework: Today we talked about the differences between groups and what actions we can take to make groups work together.

Level 1: What are two groups of people you think should work together?  Why?

Level 2: What are two groups of people you think would benefit from each other and why?

Level 3: What two groups of people would change out society as a whole if they worked together?

Tuesday: P/T Conferences (12:30-2:50)
 For Homework: Today we discussed the actions of our characters and whether or not we agree with what they do.

Level 1: What does it mean to be LOYAL?  Give one example. 

Level 2:  What does it mean to be LOYAL?  Should Ponyboy be loyal to Johnny?  Why or why not?

Level 3: Would you consider yourself to be a loyal person?  At what point does your loyalty fade away?  At what point should Ponyboy leave johnny (if ever)?

Wednesday:  No School

For Homework: Today we discussed how point of view changes our understanding of a story.

Level 1: What is Point of View?  What is the POV of The Outsiders?
Level 2: What is Point of View?  How does the narrator’s POV affect you as the reader?
Level 3: What is Point of View?  Which POV do you think if the most effective?  How would The Outsiders change if they POV were different?  Explain your thinking and provide evidence from the text.

 For Homework: All Levels- Explain Ponyboy and Johnny’s relationship.  Do you have someone you can count one like they have each other?  Explain your thinking and provide evidence from the text.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Homework:November 6

Hello everyone!!!

I hope you all have a safe and wonderful weekend!!

Today we reviewed concepts we have learned this week.

For homework: all levels

Who do you think you are more like, the greasers or the socs? Why?

Ask someone at home the same question. Be sure to ask why!

Someone at home please sign the homework!

Thank you

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Homework:Nov 5

Good morning everyone!!!

We are about to finish our first week of The Outsiders.

Today we talked about Point of View.

For homework:

Level 1: what is the difference between third person omniscient and third person limited?

Level 2: what is the point of view of The Outsiders?  How do you know?  What is the difference between third person and first person point of view?

Level 3: what is the downside of having a narrator with an objective point of view?
How would The Outsiders be different if the narrator had a third person omniscient point of view?

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Homework: November 4

Welcome back!

Today we talked about Code Switching.

Code Switching-  Being able to switch the way we talk based on the group of people we are around.

In The Outsiders, Pony Boy and the other Greasers have a certain way they talk to each other.

For Homework:  All levels

Why is it important to be able to CODE SWITCH?

Level 1: Three sentences

Level 2: Three sentences and one example of a time we would have to code switch

Level 3: Three sentences and one example of a time we would have to code switch AND a  time YOU code switch.

Folks at home sign: ____________________________

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Homework: Nov. 2

Hello and Welcome to November!

I hope you all had a safe Halloween!

This month we are going to be reading The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton.

Today we talked about S. E. Hinton and were introduced to Pony Boy.

Review Quiz:  Why does S.E. Hinton use initials instead of the full name? (you may have to look up the answer if you can not remember  Check Here!)

For Homework: All Levels

In the Outsiders there are two groups of young people, The Socs and The Greasers.

Why do you think the two groups are separated (Why do they not like each other)?

Folks at home sign: _____________________