
Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Homework: November 25

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all have a wonderful break and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday!

Be safe

For Homework:  Read the passage below from page 59-60 in our Close Reader books.

Simply, my uncle Chico stayed
back in Cuba, against the family’s
advice, because everyone left

And he chose to stay.  This is where he was born,
why should he leave and live in perpetual longing
within exile?

EXILE: to be away from one’s home

PERPETUAL: Constant, never ending, all the time

Level 1:  What is his uncle afraid of happening?

Level 2:  Compare the state of longing Uncle Chico feels to the Chibok Girls.

Level 3:  What feeling of longing to the Greasers feel?  Why?  How do you know?

Folks at home sign: ________________________________________________


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