
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Homework: May 31

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

We are on the final day of May which means we will be starting a new book tomorrow: Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime.

For Homework:  All Levels

Self reflect:
1. What is your over all opinion of the Hunger Games?
2. If you could change one thing what would it be?

Shakespeare Group:
1. What did you like about Shakespeare?
2. What would you change?

Folks at home sign: ______________________

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Homework: May 24-27

Good morning everyone!

This week we are working on culminating projects for the Hunger Games.

For homework this week I would like to work with someone at home to create a propaganda poster for either yourself or a family member.


noun: propaganda; noun: Propaganda

information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.


Level 1: Please include



Picture or image of person


Level 2: Please include


Picture or image of person

Catch Phrase or nick name.  Example: "Katniss: The Girl on Fire"

Level 3: Please include


Picture or image of person

Catch Phrase or nick name. Example: "Katniss: The Girl on Fire"




Folks at home sign: _________________________

Monday, May 23, 2016

Homework: May 23

We will be completing projects as we enter the final week of The Hunger Games.

Level 1:Based on what we have read so far...

1.What do you like best about the book?
2.What do you like the least?
3.What do you think will happen next?

Level 2: Based on what we have read so far...

1.What would you change about how the story is playing out?
2.What do you think will happen next?

Level 3: Based on what we have read so far...

1.What type of person is Katniss? 
2.Who in your life would you compare her to and why? 
3.What attributes does Katniss have that you would like?  Why?
4.What attributes of yours do you wish Katniss had? Why?

Folks at home sign please: ___________________ 

Friday, May 20, 2016

Homework: May 20

Hello Everyone!

Today's homework will be more about your weekend experiences.

Katniss and Peeta have to take a train through all the districts to get to the Capitol. 

For Homework:

Level 1:
1. What subway is closest to you?
2. What subway would you have to take to get to school?

Level 2:
1.  Look at a subway map.  What is the longest subway line?
2. What is the newest subway line?

Level 3:
1.  Journal about all the public transportation you took over the weekend (include walking and biking)

Folks at home sign: ____________________

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Homework: May 19

Hello everyone!

Many of you went on the trip yesterday and it was a total blast!  Thank you!!

For Homework:

Level 1:
1. What does it mean to worry?
2. Do you worry about things?
3. What do you do when you or someone else is feeling worried ?

Level 2:
1. What does it mean to worry?
2. Why are Katniss and Peeta worried?
3. Are they worried about the same things?

Level 3:
1. Why do people worry?
2. What helps you when you are feeling worried?
3. Can Peeta and Katniss help each other with their feelings, why or why not?

Folks at home sign: __________________________

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Homework: May 17


Today we participated in Training.  

Level 1:  

1. What does it mean to be selfish?
2. Have you ever been selfish?

Level 2:

1. What does it mean to be selfish?
2. In what ways has Katniss been selfish?
3. In what ways has she put others first?

Level 3:

1. What does it mean to be selfish?
2. In what ways is being selfish needed for survival?
3.  Explain how Katniss has been selfish and how it has worked for and against her.

Folks at home sign: ________________________

Monday, May 16, 2016

Homework: May 16

Good morning,
For Homework:

Level 1: Explain the relationship between...

1. Katniss and Prim
2. Katniss and Gale

Level 2:  Explain the differences between...

1. Katniss and Gale's relationship AND Katniss and Peeta's relationship.

Level 3: 

Why are relationships in the Hunger Games so important?  Think about the Career Tributes and the group that they form.

Why do we form relationships?

Folks at home sign: _________________________

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Homework: May 12

Hello Everyone!!

For Homework:  This week we are focusing on the Training and Interviews of each of the Tributes.

These two things are important because if the Tributes do not IMPRESS the Gamemakers, they will not get any sponsors.

Level 1:
What does it mean to impress someone?
Who is someone you want to impress and why?

Level 2:
In what ways does Katniss' team help her to impress the Capitol? (Hint: Think about what is important to the Capitol).
Why does Katniss feel like she failed Prim?

Level 3:
What things/looks does our society place value in? Do you agree or disagree?  What do you place value in?  What does your family place value in?

Folks at home sign: ___________________________

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Homework: May 10 and 11

Hello Everyone!  Tuesday and Wednesdays were days that we had a lot going on!

First, Shakespeare project was here and we worked on our songs and scene.
Next, was the Coney Island trip.

I am proud of all of you and the hard work you are putting in.

For Homework:  Think about Peeta Mellark

Level 1:
What kind thing did he do?  (He has burnt bread, what did he do with it?)

Level 2: 
Who do you think you are more like, Katniss or Peeta?  Why?

Level 3:
Would you rather live in the Capitol or in District 12?  Explain your thinking and provide evidence from the text to support your answer.

Folks at home sign: ________________________________

Monday, May 9, 2016

Homework: May 9

Good morning everyone and happy Monday!

Last week on Friday we did a reaping (names were put in to bowl based on age, how many times you missed homework, who uses their phone in class and so on).

For Homework: Today we read pages 30-32 of the Hunger Games

Level 1:  Circle the correct answer

1. Who was the boy tribute?      GALE          PEETA           TOMMY

2. Peeta gave Katniss:        BREAD          A CAT        A BOW AND ARROW

Level 2:  What kind of person is Peeta?  How do you know?
Level 3:  Why was Peeta giving Katniss the bread such a big deal?

Folks at home sign: __________________________________

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Homework: May 5

Happy Thursday!

For Homework:

Reminder: Reaping is when tributes are selected for the Hunger Games.  One boy and one girl from each district is selected.

During the reaping, Katniss' younger sister Prim was selected. 

Level 1: What did Katniss do?  Why?
(Hint: She volunteers.  What does volunteer mean?)

Level 2: How is Katniss feeling when Prim's name is selected during the reaping.  How do you know?

Level 3: What is ironic about Prim being selected during the reaping?

Folks at home sign: ______________________

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Homework: May 4

Hello everyone!

I hope you all are having a great start to the week.  I am glad to see all of you!

For Homework:

Effie Trinket is known for saying:

 "Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor!"

Level 1: 
What are the Hunger Games?
How is a person selected for the games?

(Hint: Remember Katnis saw the bowl filled with little pieces of paper, knowing that her name was on many of the pieces)

Level 2:  
Is the Hunger Games really a game?  Why or why not?

Level 3:  
Explain Effie's quote from above. 

Folks at home sign: __________________________________

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Homework: May 3

Hello Everyone!

This month we are reading HUNGER GAMES by Suzanne Collins.


For homework:  All Levels

The Hunger Games is a annual competition in which two tributes from each district compete.  Only one tribute can win.

The Hunger Games started as a result of an uprising among the districts against the capitol. 

Level 1: Answer the following questions.

1. What does it mean to compete?
2. Do you ever compete with anyone?  Why?

Level 2:  fill in the blank with the correct vocabulary word.

Word Bank:  Tribute, Hunched, Trespassing, Reaping

1. ____________________- are residents of the 12 districts of Panem who are forced/volunteered to participate in an annual Hunger Games.

2. ____________________- an annual event that takes place in every district before each Hunger Games, where the tributes of the upcoming Games are chosen

3. ____________________- enter the owner's land or property without permission.

4. ____________________- raise (one's shoulders) and bend the top of one's body forward.

Level 3:

Tribute (our way)- a gift to show respect

Tribute (Hunger Games)- A person from the districts who is forced to volunteer for the annual Hunger Games.

How are the meanings of the words different?

How are the meanings of the words the same?

Folks at home sign: _______________________