
Monday, May 23, 2016

Homework: May 23

We will be completing projects as we enter the final week of The Hunger Games.

Level 1:Based on what we have read so far...

1.What do you like best about the book?
2.What do you like the least?
3.What do you think will happen next?

Level 2: Based on what we have read so far...

1.What would you change about how the story is playing out?
2.What do you think will happen next?

Level 3: Based on what we have read so far...

1.What type of person is Katniss? 
2.Who in your life would you compare her to and why? 
3.What attributes does Katniss have that you would like?  Why?
4.What attributes of yours do you wish Katniss had? Why?

Folks at home sign please: ___________________ 

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